This alarming trend is happening because many are unsure about the unchartered water our socio-political sampan is heading into. They are fed-up with the racial and religious policies which discriminate against half the country’s population, lack of democratic space,
institutionised corruption and the absense of a level playing field in commerce.
The Faith lives on…
A child is born, a faith is born. The Faith lives on… Merry Christmas everyone 🙂 🙂 🙂
Let’s have some snow :-)
Enough of the rain. Let’s have some snow 🙂 Let It Snow Oh, the weather outside is frightful, But the fire is so delightful, And since we’ve no place to go, Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow. It doesn’t show signs of stopping, And I brought some corn for popping; The lights…
Don’t blame victims for crime
Deputy Internal Security Minister Johari Baharum’s unfounded and reckless comments on the issue of snatch theft in his reply in the Senate yesterday must not go unchallenged. He was reported in The Star as saying that snatch thefts usually occurred when the victims were careless with their property. “Such an attitude gives snatch thieves the…
More urgency needed to save flood victims
the army is demanding RM250 from the flood victims in return for aid to cross the river by boat. I urged the government to investigate this matter and handle various complaints made by the flood victims.
Michael Chong vs Sassy MP (part 3)
by NUR AINNE JOHAR, Malay Mail, Dec 13. “I DON’T need her to tell me what to do. Thanks for her concern, anyway. This curt response came from Datuk Michael Chong on the call by Seputeh MP Teresa Kok for him to surrender his ‘little black book’ of names and information on Ah Longs to…
國會一隅 郭素沁揶揄三美 俄國植髮引哄堂 工程部長拿督斯里三美威魯被揶揄到俄羅斯植髮,頓時引起哄堂。 事緣士布爹區議員郭素沁建議,繪測師局有必要委任獨立繪測師,檢查已竣工的房屋。 她說,發展商聘請的繪測師,可能會因擔心發展商不給錢,被逼簽署文件。所以,有獨立繪測師會較好,就如下議院,國陣議員雖佔了90%,可是反對黨卻扮演更重要的角色,比國陣后座議員表現來得好。 “我不想以后又發生如外貿大廈,以及甲洞第二中環大道事件,讓你又被人指責,這對你很不公平。” 三美反問郭素沁,當她生病去看醫生時,會否拿了藥,再看另一名醫生,以證實自己有病? 他說,如果允許第二者證實屋子沒問題,到時又有人要第三者,使問題沒完沒了,購屋者看來永遠都不用住該屋子了。 “你知不知道,過去有人買了屋,孩子也出生,住了十幾廿年,入伙紙都還沒拿到?” 郭素沁則反駁,詢問多幾位醫生是正常的,特別是若要動手術時,如已故前國家元首經到新加坡治病。 這時,郭素沁突然笑起來,對著三美說,蕉賴區議員陳國偉指有人也到俄羅斯植髮,讓在場者發出會心的一笑。– Chinapress.