We purposely didn’t call it Marital Rape but we use the phrase of “husband using violence in a sexual intercourse” to avoid having a full on clash with the Islamists.
Memorandum to Suhakam from BERSIH
The full Memorandum to Suhakam from BERSIH on the Batu Burok Shooting Incident 13 September 2007 can be downloaded here.
Alfred Ho
Visually impaired singer Alfred Ho and his wife, Rufina, visited my service centre today. Do you like my invisible keyboard? I do. That’s why I am grinning ear to ear. 🙂
Suhakam to probe ‘bloody’ ceramah
by Soon Li Tsin in Malaysiakini, 13/09 Beginning next week the Human Rights Commission (Suhakam) will start its fact-finding programme into the clash in Kuala Terengganu last Saturday. Election watchdog Bersih handed a memorandum to the commission at its Kuala Lumpur office this morning demanding an immediate inquiry into the clash.
Ministry of Home Affairs Is Lying About RELA
I was very shocked when I read the Parliament reply from Home Affairs Ministry on Monday, where it said that the Ministry has never received any complaints about the abuse of power of RELA members while carrying out operation, and none of the RELA members have been brought to court. When I read this line,…
Important Message!
My new, and one and only, email address for communication with the public is teresakok AT yahoo.com.my. If anyone has sent any important emails to my old Gmail address in the past two weeks, please re-send to the new address. The change comes following advise from IT security consultants. Please update your address books.
Pernyataan Atas Bilangan Aduan Yang Diterima Berkenaan Dengan Anggota RELA Yang Melakukan Kesalahan Semasa Menjalankan Operasi Pengusiran Pendatang Tanpa Izin
Tarikh : 10.09.2007 Soalan : 20 Puan Teresa Kok Suh Sim [Seputeh] minta MENTERI HAL EHWAL DALAM NEGERI menyatakan bilangan aduan yang diterima berkenaan dengan anggota RELA yang melakukan kesalahan semasa menjalankan operasi pengusiran Pendatang Tanpa Izin. Berapakah di antara mereka telah pun didakwa di mahkamah dan berapakah dijatuhkan hukuman oleh Mahkamah.
Budget forum
Malaysian First: Budget 2008 – Who Benefits? Date: 12 September 2007 (Wednesday) Time: 7.30pm Venue: DAP Damansara Seminar Room (55-1 Jalan SS21/1A, Damansara Utama, 47400 Petaling Jaya) The panel of speakers include: * Lim Guan Eng, DAP Secretary-General * Edward Lee, Pro-tem Chairman, All PJ Pro Action Committee* * Khoo Kay Peng, Socio-political Analyst *…