Entertainer Joins DAP
Blind singer Alfred Ho has joined the Democratic Action Party. He did so after experiencing repeated discrimination because of his disability. MP for Cheras, Tan Kok Wai, MP for Bukit Bintang, Fong Kui Lun and I held a press conference to welcome Alfred to the party. Alfred Ho, despite his disability, showed he was in…
Uphill battle for fair deal
Press statement by Alfred Ho, October 13, 2007, at Kuala Lumpur. Allow me first to introduce myself. I am a blind individual in my 50s and a singer, guitarist by profession. I have been in this profession for more than 20 years and my forte is singing old western favourites. I also sing in several…
Suhakam’s hands-off attitude slammed
Press Release by BERSIH, 10 October 2007 BERSIH is outraged over Suhakam’s hands-off attitude over the Batu Buruk incident in which two men were shot by a police officer amidst a bloody crackdown on a public assembly on electoral reform. Suhakam’s refusal to conduct a public inquiry amounts to abating the violent suppression of the…
Nazri is urged to table Witness Protection Bill coming sitting of Parliament
Press Statement by Teresa Kok, MP for Seputeh and DAP National Publicity Secretary on 8th October 8, 2007 in Kuala Lumpur I am appalled to read the statement made by Datuk Seri Nazri Aziz that the informants of “Linggam” video clip can be accorded full government protection, including change of identities as stipulated under the…
Illegal temples in residential areas
The following is the contents of a email to me. The writer shall remain anonymous. Hi Teresa, Hope to find you in good health but am sorry to have to bring up some grouses regarding temples in residential areas. The example I am going to use is Oversea Union Garden which is your constituency and…
自1988年缅甸僧侣与学生起义失败,而1990年的大选成绩又不受缅甸军人政府承认后,缅甸军人政府以武力制裁国家的政治僵局,便一直持续到现在。 数十年来,该国老百姓纷纷逃离该国,而该国在野党领袖昂山舒吉十多年来都因坚持政治立场,而徘徊在自由与软禁之间。 多年来,国际社会对于如何协助缅甸的人民脱离困境的立场都不一致。当西方国家对缅甸实施经济制裁时,亚洲经济强国与东盟国家便纷纷与该国军事政权合作,前往缅甸投资,唯恐分不到该国的经济杯羹的时候,破坏了西方国家经济制裁缅甸的效应。 在利字当头下,许多外国人都被缅甸军人政府的经济幌子所蒙骗,他们甚至合理化缅甸军人政府的许多霸权与滥权的做法。 记得今年中,“东盟关怀缅甸民主化的国会议员核心委员会”(AIPMC)组织东盟国家的国会议员拜访泰缅边界的难民营,笔者成功地说服本国一位上议员参与此行。这位仁兄与国内的缅甸高僧与大使的关系良好,还多次进出缅甸,并曾在经济上资助该国的建校与建筑庙宇的费用。
Please sue me now if you have the nuts
I was informed that Khong Chee Seng called a press conference on United Garden strata titles issue again. My God, he can fry the same old issue again and again like ikan billis. He has harped on this topic and came out in the press once in past two or three months in the past….