I have issued a press statement in Chinese in reply to a recent statement made by MCA Publicity Chief Datuk Fu Ah Kiow. He accused DAP as a party that was anti-Chinese because we only contest in Chinese majority areas. His statement, obviously, was to divert public attention to cover up its failure and its…
The Christian perspective
CAFE LATTE CHAT ACCORDING to the Malaysian Census 2000, Christianity in Malaysia is practised by 10% of the population, the majority being in Sabah and Sarawak, where they make up 40% of the population in the two states. In the urban areas of Kuala Lumpur, Petaling Jaya, Penang, Ipoh and Johor Baru, the profile of…
Sepilok Orangutan Rehabilitation Centre: Residence of Bung Mokhtar? :-)
If I still have chance to meet Bung Mokhtar in Parliment, I will show him the photo and tell him that I have visited his relatives and friends in Sepilok.
民主行动党宣传秘书兼士布爹区国会议员郭素沁于2008年1月18日在吉隆坡发表的声明: 行动党照顾全民权益,马华“以华制华“的言论是在转移腐败政绩的视线 马华众领导层日前指责行动党专打华人区是“以华制华“的言论,是企图转移华裔选民对其腐败政绩焦点。 行动党身为一个多元种族的在野党,我们在下一届大选不只与马华对垒,但也与国阵其他成员党抗战,这包括国大党、民政党、砂拉越州和沙巴州的许多多元种族的政党,例如:人联党、沙巴团结党、沙巴人民进步党等。
“抗議行動居民非當地人” ‧郭素沁不滿遭惡意抹黑
http://mykampung.sinchew.com.my/node/24163?tid=6 星洲日报-大都会 2008-01-16 09:10 (吉隆坡)行動黨士布爹國會議員郭素沁指出,參與本月12日沙叻秀新村木屋區抗議行動的居民大部分不是當地人,而是臨時找來的人。 她指出,沙叻秀新村木屋區7人小組聲稱她沒有主動伸出援手給予協助的指責有欠公平,況且在此次的搬遷行動中,對方根本沒有尋求她的協助,雖然士布爹選區不大不小,但是卻涉及許多搬遷的木屋區,根本沒有可能知曉全部事項。 她認同居民有尋求任何人協助的自由,但她不滿有者使出卑鄙的手段抹黑她,誤導民眾,還舉起大字報。 指有人幕后指使 “我相信居民不會公開指責,而是有人在幕後指使。” “馬華聯邦直轄區聯委會公共投訴局副主任陳元虎有在現場,卻不敢上鏡,相信對方是心中有愧。” 她說,馬華士布爹使用骯臟手段抹黑她,根本沒有資格參與來屆大選的競選,也不符合馬華總會長所謂的健康政治文化,而且該手段欠君子風度,行動不道德,也不光明磊落,甚至隨便召集不知緣故的居民參與抗議行動。
“The Empire Strikes Back”
Yesterday, I called a press conference at the Salak South New Village market, to announce some squatters’ problems, namely wrong names have been registered by DBKL. But the objectives of the press conference is not on this, it is to expose Bennie Chin’s dirty tactics against me, namely using irrelevant people to hold placards to protest against me.
My assistant under attack
Banners at entrance to DAP Kg Baru Salak South Branch, Taman Sg Besi. Kuala Lumpur. I have a few volunteer assistants to help me to handle Seputeh constituency problems. One of them is Emily Sim. Emily is married with two kids. She is a very hardworking and sincere person.
MCA Seputeh’s gutter politics
*Related to 郭素沁指陈元虎没有君子风度和违反马华推行的健康政治 Elections is around the corner but MCA Seputeh has not announced its candidate yet. Today I felt very cheesed off to read from Chinese papers metro section that a group of Salak South New Village people came out in a press conference with a few of them holding placards criticising me. According…