缅甸继1988年由僧侣及民主派人士率领要求民主化的起义以致流血事件后,缅甸的僧侣便似乎与政治运动保持距离。没想到经过19年的沉寂后,缅甸的僧侣又再上街示威,要求恢复民主,令世界各地同情缅甸的人们,又再次对缅甸的民主掀起新希望。 去国缅甸与柬埔寨等佛教国家的人都知道,这些国家的人们对宗教的热诚。这些国家的人们生活得再清苦,他们也会把积蓄捐献给庙寺。因此,在缅甸和柬埔寨的郊区,我们往往会看到在简陋的亚答屋社区里,每个数公里便出现一间堂皇的佛庙,而街上往往出现许多为神庙筹款的活动,由此可见佛教和僧侣在缅甸等国人们心目中的地位。 也因为如此,因此当这些脱离凡尘的僧侣,成群结队的离开寺庙,愤而走上街头请愿的时候,他们也激发和带动全国饱受独裁军事政权镇压的人民走上街头,向政府施压要求民主了。 缅甸僧侣的民主行,不禁令人省思宗教领袖与政治的关系。两个星期前,八打灵一个新冒起的基督教组织主办了一个题为《耶稣政治化吗?》的英语讲座会,请来多个基督教的牧师和平信徒分享观点。
Meeting Between Residents of United Garden & The Developer
My volunteer assistant, Emily, started to raise her voice to correct him and repeat the same thing to him. I was very surprised to see Emily react in such a manner as she is usually timid.
The Lies of MCA Seputeh & My Former Right Hand Man
■鄺志勝(左一)向記者出示土地局所發出的信件。左二起為蔡崇繼、陳志聰及馮達鵬。(放大) ■李延年花園組屋組屋居民受促與臨時行動委員會配合,以早日取得分層地契。(放大) I am in Hanoi attending a international seminar for MPs. While I was away, my former assistant who was sacked by the party, Khong Chee Seng, and Tony Tan, the guy who filed a defamation suit against me, were present at the press conference of MCA Seputeh Chief Dr Sua and others, to…
Situation vacant
Executive Coordinator for community service organisation A community service organisation in Kuala Lumpur seeks an executive coordinator. Education requirement: STPM/form six school leaver, preferably graduate from college or university. Ability to read, write and speak in Bahasa Malaysia, English and Chinese essential. Computer skills important. Must be able to work with minimum supervision and have…
Express Bus
Dear YB, I bought a ticket to board an express bus from Penang to Kuala Lumpur yesterday (18th September). My bus was scheduled to leave at 9am. I paid an additional RM2 for a van to take me from Komtar to Sg Nibong bus terminal. I reached the terminal at 8.45am. There were less than…
Mixed reaction to marital rape reform
We purposely didn’t call it Marital Rape but we use the phrase of “husband using violence in a sexual intercourse” to avoid having a full on clash with the Islamists.
Memorandum to Suhakam from BERSIH
The full Memorandum to Suhakam from BERSIH on the Batu Burok Shooting Incident 13 September 2007 can be downloaded here.
Alfred Ho
Visually impaired singer Alfred Ho and his wife, Rufina, visited my service centre today. Do you like my invisible keyboard? I do. That’s why I am grinning ear to ear. 🙂