Dailyexpress, Jan 22. The Sabah and Labuan Federal Territory Hainan Association will apply for a piece of land from the State Government to build a big-scale Tien Hou or Mazu Temple. The decision was made during the third meeting of the association’s 13th Executive Committee, here, Sunday. According to President, John Lim Yu Sin, the…
Dream on!
OMG, pilihanraya.com.my says I lost the Seputeh seat in 2004. Dreams are free! 🙂
民主行动党宣传秘书兼士布爹区国会议员郭素沁于2008年1月22日在八打灵再也发表的声明: 马华指行动党“以华制华”言论,显示该党害怕在华人选区面对行动党的挑战 行动党全国宣传秘书郭素沁指尤绰韬及马华宣传局指行动党“以华制华”的言论,显示该党对行动党在华人区挑战马华候选人感到恐慌。 郭素沁说,如果马华在内阁及国会能为华社争取更大权益的话,那么为何马华怕在大选中被行动党挑战,而要用“以华制华”的言论来歪曲行动党挑战国阵霸权的努力呢? 她说,马华身为在朝政党,多年来只是屈服在巫统的淫威下,而不敢站在各种族平等这普世价值观上不分种族的为全民争取权益,导致非马来人的权益节节败退,还硬说马华是通过踏实工作来进行其政治斗争,这是睁着眼睛说瞎话。 就以马华“踏实”的为华社斗争这言论来说,我要请尤绰韬对以下攸关华社权益的例子作出解释: 1. 马华未能在国阵争取到制度化的增建华小,导致现今国内还缺134间华小; 2. 马华未能在内阁争取到制度化的拨款予华小,导致在第九大马计划里,华小只占总拨款的2%; 3. 马华默许巫统建立违反华社意愿的宏愿学校,导致华小最后可能变成国小的危机; 4. 马华默许政府实施英文教数理,影响华小的教学架构和造成华小数理程度倒退; 5. 马华不敢向巫统反对回教国,导致回教化政策横行; 6. 马华默许希山慕丁在巫统大会年年举剑,导致种族关系恶化; 7. 马华多年来对关闭的白小不闻不问,导致白小被关闭多年; 8. 马华不敢反对新经济政策,导致非土著在政经文教方面被边缘化; 9. 马华为连同其他政党的部长收回要建议政府检讨现有改变宗教信仰法律的备忘录? 10. 马华没争取到政府承认独中统考文凭,导致独中生人才被邻国吸纳。 面对上述败绩,尤绰韬应扪心自问,为什么败绩累累的马华不应在大选中被行动党挑战?难道以上的问题就只是因巫统的霸权所导致,而马华不须负上责任吗? 马华如果不能在国阵里为全民和华社争取到权益,那么马华留在国阵也毫无意义。华社和选民应该在大选中选出真正能为他们争取权益与发言的在野党候选人,加强对国阵的制衡,以挽救国家的未来。 郭素沁
Info and questions on seized Christian books
Blogger Sharon Bakar has some additional info and questions about the children’s Christian books which were seized from MPH.
KDM Declaration
Hi guys, I have been in Sabah again together with Kit Siang in the past few days. I have been to Keningau, KK, Sandakan and Tawau. What made me feel most encouraging was the Kadazan Dusun Mulut Declaration presented by DAP Sabah on 19th January 2008 (Saturday) at Kota Kinabalu. The declaration was prepared…
DAP not anti-Chinese, anti-Malays, anti-Indians or anti-lain-lain
I have issued a press statement in Chinese in reply to a recent statement made by MCA Publicity Chief Datuk Fu Ah Kiow. He accused DAP as a party that was anti-Chinese because we only contest in Chinese majority areas. His statement, obviously, was to divert public attention to cover up its failure and its…
The Christian perspective
CAFE LATTE CHAT ACCORDING to the Malaysian Census 2000, Christianity in Malaysia is practised by 10% of the population, the majority being in Sabah and Sarawak, where they make up 40% of the population in the two states. In the urban areas of Kuala Lumpur, Petaling Jaya, Penang, Ipoh and Johor Baru, the profile of…
Sepilok Orangutan Rehabilitation Centre: Residence of Bung Mokhtar? :-)
If I still have chance to meet Bung Mokhtar in Parliment, I will show him the photo and tell him that I have visited his relatives and friends in Sepilok.