Bangunan SRJK (C) Han Ming merupakan bangunan sekolah yang lama dan agak lapuk Pada pagi 28 November 2008, bumbung yang diserangi oleh anai-anai di SJKC Han Ming di Batu 14, Puchong tiba-tiba runtuh. Saya diminta oleh lembaga pengarah sekolah tersebut untuk melawat sekolah tersebut. Saya difahamkan bahawa lembaga pengarah dan pihak sekolah tersebut telah lama…
Saving two girls from vice
My assistant cum councillor of MPSJ, Gary Chong and I saved two Chinese nationals from prostitution with the help of a few residents in Puchong two days ago. These two girls, a 21-year old, and a 19-year old, were misled into thinking that they could work in Malaysia for double or triple their salary as…
Live-and-let-live sex in Puchong
My God, I never knew that Puchong was such an area of sin 🙁 Look at this news report in The Malay Mail today. Live-and-let-live sex in Puchong By Najmuddin Najib and Teoh El Sen December 04 In the live-and-let-live sin town of Puchong, where prostitutes openly sell sex a stone’s throw from the main…
Usul Potong Gaji Menteri Dalam Negeri & KPN Hampir Lulus Di Dewan Rakyat :-)
Sejak saya dibebaskan daripada ISA, dah lama saya tunggu peluang untuk membentangkan usul potong gaji Menteri Dalam Negeri Syed Hamid dan Musa Hasan, Ketua Polis Negara di dalam Dewan Rakyat. Akhirnya saya dapat peluang pada hari ini. Pada waktu yang sama, Lim Kit Siang juga membentangkan usul potong gaji ke atas Ketua Polis Negara dan…
My Undelivered Speech On Housing & Local Govt Ministry
I have been so busy the past two weeks until I could not spend more time speaking in Parliament, one reason being my visits to chair investment committee meetings at all local councils in Selangor. I am encouraging them to set up Industrial Park Management Committees (IPMC) in all industrial zones under the jurisdiction of…
Thai Unrest According to RTM Dunia
I hardly watch RTM programmes at night. Last night (29 November 2008), I reached home earlier and I managed to watch some parts of a special programme about the political unrests in Thailand. The presenter told the audience of the ‘heads and tails’ of a series of political developments in Thailand while showing the visuals….
Everyone can learn music with Puchong Orchestra
I was supposed to blog this piece long ago, but, haiyah… too busy with everything! One Sunday in November, I was invited by Pastor Neil to attend and observe the rehearsal of an orchestra at a church cum community centre in Puchong. I was very surprised and pleased to see so many teenagers and young…
Irene Fernandez’s acquital welcome
I welcome the decision of the Kuala Lumpur High Court to acquit and discharge of Dr Irene Fernandez of the charge of “maliciously publishing false news” under section 8A(1) of the Printing Presses and Publications Act 1984. Albeit many years late, this decision exonerates her and gives hope to the many other Malaysians who are…