KUALA LUMPUR: The maintenance work at the Bukit Badong substation in Kuala Selangor scheduled for tomorrow cannot be postponed and must be carried out immediately and safely, says Tenaga Nasional Berhad (TNB)’s Corporate Affairs and Communications senior general manager Mohd Aminuddin Mohd Amin. He said the work, scheduled for 16 hours must be carried out…
Unbelievable that Klang Valley water cut cannot be delayed, says MP
KUALA LUMPUR, Dec 18 — Tenaga Nasional Bhd’s (TNB) insistence on maintenance works that will leave millions without water in the week before Christmas was dumbfounding, said Seputeh MP Teresa Kok. The decision to time the remedial works to coincide with a festive season also showed a complete disregard for the hardship that will befall…
Teresa Kok protests water cuts during Christmas
PETALING JAYA: The plan to cut water to Klang Valley for repairs from tomorrow through the Christmas season is insensitive and must be put off, says DAP lawmaker Teresa Kok. She was unimpressed with the case made by the National Water Services Commission (Span) that the cuts were chosen for this period because water use…
Polis diminta siasat fitnah Guan Eng sokong keganasan Myanmar
GEORGE TOWN, 16 DIS: Pihak polis diminta agar segera menyiasat mesej viral di aplikasi Whatsapp yang memfitnah Ketua Menteri Pulau Pinang, Lim Guan Eng sebagai kononnya menyokong keganasan ke atas etnik Rohingya di Myanmar. Pegawai Penerangan beliau, Zaidi Ahmad berkata demikian kepada pemberita selepas membuat laporan di Balai Polis Jalan Patani di sini, pagi tadi….
MP urges varsity to encourage student activism
KUALA LUMPUR: A DAP lawmaker has called for student activism to be encouraged instead of suppressed, let alone punished. The way a university responds to such activism was an important measure of its standing, Seputeh MP Teresa Kok said in a statement released today. “Universiti Malaya’s (UM) disciplinary action against students for activism, would not…
Anis Syafiqah digantung 1 semester, akan terus berjuang
PETALING JAYA: Aktivis siswa, Anis Syafiqah Md Yusof, digantung pengajian 1 semester, diberi amaran dan dikenakan denda RM400 kerana pembabitannya dalam himpunan #TangkapMO1 di ibu negara, Ogos lepas. Sebelum ini, Panel Tatatertib Universiti Malaya (UM) mendapati beliau bersalah kerana mengadakan tunjuk perasaan; merosakkan nama baik universiti dan memudaratkan keselamatan awam kerana menyertai himpunan tersebut. “Universiti…
Mahkamah tolak rayuan terhadap ikat jamin Khairuddin, Matthias
PUTRAJAYA: Bekas naib ketua bahagian Umno Batu Kawan Datuk Seri Khairuddin Abu Hassan dan peguam Matthias Chang Wen Chieh kekal bebas dengan ikat jamin sementara menunggu selesai perbicaraan mereka terhadap tuduhan cuba melakukan sabotaj terhadap perkhidmatan perbankan dan kewangan negara. Ini berikutan keputusan panel 3 hakim Mahkamah Rayuan yang diketuai Hakim Datuk Tengku Maimun Tuan…
Will MCA have the courage to respond to the issues raised by Mahathir in his blog posting entitled “Associating With Thieves”?
In response to former prime minister Tun Mahathir’s posting entitled “Associating With Thieves”, MCA secretary-general Ong Ka Chuan has reminded Mahathir that the party was loyal and stood by him while he was in power. While Ong Ka Chuan is right in saying that MCA has supported BN and Mahathir through thick and thin, he…