KUALA LUMPUR: The son of a former inspector-general of police today lodged a police report against Malaysiakini’s founder for allegedly receiving funds from George Soros’ Open Society Foundations (OSF). Abdul Rahman Mohd Hanif Omar, who is an ex-Royal Malaysian Air Force officer, also asked the police to investigate the portal for “activities detrimental to parliamentary…
马华应对统考文凭 向首相设下承认的期限 (吉隆坡8日讯)行动党全国副主席郭素沁呼吁马华对政府承认统考课题上向首相设下期限,而不是任由巫统拖着游花园,没完没了。 也是士布爹区国会议员的郭素沁说,承认统考文凭虽然由首相做出最后定夺, 但是马华在这课题上应该展现强硬的立场,让首相了解马华对争取承认统考的决心及底线。 她今天在一篇文告中,针对副教育部长张盛闻发表“ 在承认统考文凭课题上坦诚无法设期限,一切由首相做最后定夺” 之言论,做出回应。 她说,在砂州州选时,张盛闻说承认统考文凭是“只欠东风”,过后又指承认统考文凭已达“最后一里路”。 但是时间证明他只是自讲自爽、空雷不雨。 “也许之前张氏新官上任,为了讨好华社而随口发言。现在看来他可能无法兑现承诺。” 马华针对承认统考文凭的课题, 已谈了好多年,现在是向首相设定宣布政府承认统考文凭期限的时候,以恢复华社对马华的承诺的信心。
Government Should Announce the Criteria of the Appointment of Senators, Particularly the Rationale of the Appointment of Khairul Azwan Harun
Press statement by Teresa Kok, National Vice-Chairperson of DAP and MP for Seputeh on 8 December 2016 at Kuala Lumpur Government Should Announce the Criteria of the Appointment of Senators, Particularly the Rationale of the Appointment of Khairul Azwan Harun Many Malaysians were shocked to read the appointment of Six Umno leaders as senators after…
Buddhist monks lead protest against Najib in Yangon
PETALING JAYA: About 100 people, including monks, participated in a protest rally against Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razak at the Mahabandoola Park in downtown Yangon yesterday, the Myanmar Times reported. They had demanded that Myanmar’s foreign affairs ministry and the Asean grouping rebuke Najib for “not upholding Asean values”. The protest was led by the…
Dr M: Not a crime to topple the government
SHAH ALAM: The opposition wanting to topple a government is not a crime, said former prime minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad, responding to calls from Umno leaders asking for action to be taken against those seeking to bring down the “democratically elected” leadership. “We are the opposition, of course we want to defeat the government, especially…
Najib: PAS and Umno agreed to work together on common issues
KUALA LUMPUR, Dec 3 ― Umno president Datuk Seri Najib Razak said today his party and the Opposition PAS have agreed to work together on issues where they have common interests. Speaking at a press conference after closing the Umno assembly here, Najib said that he and PAS president Datuk Seri Abdul Hadi Awang are…
Pua: Why no action over racist speeches by Umno delegates
KUALA LUMPUR: DAP’s Tony Pua, who is being investigated for his role in the Bersih 5 rally, has decried the lack of action against Umno delegates who have allegedly made racially-tinged speeches at the party’s annual general assembly over the past three days. Speaking to reporters outside the Bukit Aman police headquarters after giving his…
Tak mungkin DAP boleh ancam Melayu, kata penganalisis
PETALING JAYA: Penganalisis politik, Prof Madya Dr Awang Azman Pawi mendakwa “mengarut” untuk memikirkan yang DAP akan mengancam kedudukan orang Melayu di negara ini. Profesor dari Universiti Malaya itu berkata setiap warganegara termasuk ahli politik perlu mematuhi Perlembagaan Persekutuan dan kedudukan orang Melayu dilindungi undang-undang itu.