Forum (in English): Feeling Good About The Feel-Good Economy? Speakers: a) Dr Ho Kee Peng, prominent entrepreneur and academic b) YB Lim Kit Siang, Parliamentary Opposition Leader & MP for Ipoh Timur c) Lim Guan Eng, Secretary-General of DAP d) Tony Pua, Economic Advisor to DAP Secretary General Date: Tomorrow Time: 19.30hr Venue: KL &…
Net-ting voter interest
Political parties are increasingly using the Internet as a communication tool to prepare for the upcoming general election, with opposition parties being more dependent on their websites than the Barisan Nasional.
报载日前教育部与大马廉正机构联办了一场为时半天的研讨会,向440 名教师解释政府于2004年4月推展的全国廉正大蓝图(National Integrity Plan),以提醒教师们对唤起社会对廉正问题醒觉的角色。 研讨会结束后,新海峡时报的记者访问与会者对有关研讨会的意见,这些参加者都发表非常负面的观点。一位教师说:“廉正是终身学习的过程。我不晓得如何在短短5个小时里把这学好及教导给学生。道德是不能在学校学好的,(学生们)必须从家中学起。“ 另一位参加者则说:“(在研讨会里),没有人专心听课。我不晓得这样的研讨会会给国家带来什么好处。“ 过后记者问数名与会教师将如何在学校里传授全国廉正蓝图概念,没有任何教师懂得怎么做。
Killing creativity of our filmmakers
Press Statement issued March 2, 2007 The decision to ban Amir Muhammad’s Apa Khabar Orang Kampung and Tsai Ming Liang’s I Don’t Want To Sleep Alone by the Censorship Board is drastic and harsh, and does not bode well for the development of the local movie-making scene in Malaysia. These movies, as with most local…
Seputeh Open House
CNY Open House
The DAP is hosting its CNY Open House tomorrow from 11am to 2pm at our HQ at 24, Jln 20/9, Paramount Gdns, PJ. Hope to see you there!
Here’s my new office…
My humble room Dear friends, I’ve spent more than a month doing up my new office which is at Kuchai Entrepreneur’s Park in the Seputeh constituency. Before I moved to this new premise, I have to share a room with the Spring Single Mothers’ Society, but now I can have a room of my own,…
新年前,报载多宗自杀与杀儿案件。这些痛不欲生的个案,令我想起国内某监狱一个一直希望我探望他和拯救他出狱的囚犯。 这名囚犯因为在十多年前贩毒而被捕而被判死刑。去年,某州苏丹因庆祝诞辰而宽赦了他,但是却没告知他所谓的宽赦究竟是如何执行。他于是藉着家人来联络我,以协助他向有关方面了解情况,并协助他早日出狱。 在我多次向有关方面致函询问后,监狱当局终于在日前致函告知他,他的死刑被改为终身监禁。后来这死囚在国外的家人通过电邮告知我说他接获此消息后,感到非常悲痛,因为这意味着他将在牢房里渡过余生,他不能如愿以偿的出狱。 他家人致笔者的函件说:「从他被捕至今,十多年牢狱中,已真正的悔改,并且积极的操练自己,努力学习,盼望终有一日能补偿他过去对社会做成的伤害,并承担起对家庭的责任。这是他至今仍然能够紧持的动力。」