Pada hari ini 20 Disember 2011, Ahli Parlimen Puchong Gobind dan saya telah mengadakan sidang akhbar untuk menafikan fitnah yang dilemparkan ke atas Gobind dan saya, kononnya kami telah mengaibkan janji kami untuk menolong seorang ibu tunggal. Tuduhan yang tidak berasas ini telah dilemparkan oleh seorang lelaki bernama Kalaivanar dan dilaporkan di dalam akhbar The Star, Harian…
Download the presentation “The Budget and Its Shadow” by Teh Chi-Chang of REFSA
If you missed out on the English Economic Forum organised by my office last Thursday, you can catch up with by downloading the slides “The Budget and its Shadow“, which was presented by one of our three speakers, Teh Chi-Chang. He is the Executive Director of REFSA. Also available its the presentation by Dr. Cheong…
Village hall in Kampung Lembah Kinrara gets makeover after 21 years
Village hall gets makeover after 21 years Published: Fri, 16 Dec 2011 PUCHONG: The multipurpose hall in Kampung Lembah Kinrara is now safe for use by residents after a state-sponsored makeover. Despite more than two decades of disrepair, villagers had continued to use the building for recreation before the upgrade. “We played games like ping-pong…
You are invited to bilingual economic forum in Klang, 20 December 2011
Malaysia’s economic situation: – Incomes are low – Bottom 40% of Malaysian households average RM1,500 per month incomes – Majority 80% of Malaysian households average RM2,500 per month and more. Come listen to the speakers: 1) Tony Pua, MP for PJ Utara, 2) Charles Santiago, MP for Klang 3) Teh Chi-Chang, Executive Director of Refsa –…
Raising retirement age in private sector will reduce jobs for young Malaysians
Press statement by Teresa Kok, DAP National Organising Secretary and MP for Seputeh in Kuala Lumpur on 16 December 2011 Ministry of Human Resource’s proposed bill to raise the retirement age in the private sector to 60 years will reduce job opportunities for Malaysia’s young population The Minister of Human Resource Dr S Subramaniam should…
利用助人和教育捞取政治资本 郭素沁轰马华暴露丑陋心态
民主行动党全国组织秘书兼士布爹区国会议员郭素沁14-12-2011(星期三)於吉隆坡发表文告声援张念群和章瑛。 吉隆坡14日讯)民主行动党全国组织秘书郭素沁指出,不论是政党或人民代议士,助人在於施恩莫望报,然而,最近由马华引发的“政治感恩”论,却彻底暴露了马华利用助人,甚至是百年树人的教育来当作“政治资本”的丑陋心态。 她调侃马华为苟延残喘在国阵里的政治生命,对於国家大事和严 重的贪腐滥权, 从不敢向巫统呛声;但只施行了一些“恩惠”,却公开要人报答且通过各种管道大肆渲染,这无疑已政治化了助人的真谛。
MCA should state any conditions attached to accepting help from MCA
Press statement by Teresa Kok, DAP National Organising Secretary and MP for Seputeh in Kuala Lumpur on 14 December 2011 If there are any conditions attached to any of MCA’s public service such as Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman or 1MCA Medical Foundation, MCA should state these conditions from the start. MCA’s insistence that…
Join us at the upcoming Economics Forum – Thursday 15 Dec 2011
Following the large interest and success of the previous economics forum we organised last month, I felt it was necessary to build on that interest and create a momentum of awareness and information sharing with Selangorians (and all Malaysians interested in attending) on the state of our economy and what its future holds for us….