Soalan No. 53 PEMBERITAHUAN PERTANYAAN DEWAN RAKYAT PERTANYAAN : LISAN DARIPADA : YB PUAN TERESA KOK SUH SIM (SEPUTEH) TARIKH : 19 MAC 2012 SOALAN : Meminta MENTERI TENAGA, TEKNOLOGI HIJAU DAN AIR menyatakan : Maklumat (termasuk nama, kuota MW) yang diterima oleh mereka, lokasi, pihak yang…
Old sewage treatment plants to be turned into playgrounds – The Star
Good news for Seputeh residents: THE Government plans to close old sewage treatment plants (STPs) in Kuala Lumpur and the Klang Valley and turn them into playgrounds. After the STPs were dismantled, sewage will be channelled to the new treatment plant being built in Lembah Pantai. The Pantai 2 Sewage Treatment Plant (P2STP) will…
Listen to my Podcast Interview – ‘Middle Malaysia’
From Oon Yeoh’s podcasting adventures: Our fourth Middle Malaysia podcast has us talking with MP, State Assemblyperson & Selangor Senior EXCO Teresa Kok. In this wide-ranging discussion, Kok addresses the criticism that she is wearing too many hats. She also answers the question of which role she would prefer to focus on if forced to…
My speech at Parliament today during the motion of thanks on Royal Address
Today, I am glad that I was given a chance to speak in the motion of thanks at Parliament House. Thanks to Tony Pua for giving way for me to deliver my speech in Parliament today. The party has given to the Speaker a list of MPs that want to deliver speeches in Parliament. I was forced to…
PC & Statement at Parliament on SJKC Yak Chee (2) & SMJK Katolik (2) land issue
Today, I held a press conference in Parliament together with YB Gobind Singh Deo (MP Puchong) & YB Abdullah Sani (MP Kuala Langat) on the issue of land and permit for SJKC Yak Chee (2), SMJK Katolik (2) & Sekolah Autisme (Nasom) in Taman Tasik Prima Puchong. The PC was called following an answer from…
Jawapan Parlimen mengenai pendirian Kementerian Pelajaran Malaysia terhadap SJKC Yak Chee (2) & SMJK Katholik (2) yang telah diberi tanah oleh Kerajaan Selangor
Soalan No. 38 PEMBERITAHUAN PERTANYAAN DEWAN RAKYAT PERTANYAAN : LISAN DARIPADA : YB PUAN TERESA KOK SUH SIM (SEPUTEH) TARIKH : 14 MAC 2012 SOALAN : YB. PUAN TERESA KOK SUH SIM (SEPUTEH) minta Menteri Pelajaran menyatakan bilakah Kementerian akan member kelulusan kepada SJK(C) Yak Chee dan SMJK Katholik untuk…
Jawapan Parlimen mengenai status pembinaan SJKC yang dijanjikan oleh Kementerian Pelajaran sejak tahun 2007
Soalan No. 36 PEMBERITAHUAN PERTANYAAN DEWAN RAKYAT PERTANYAAN : LISAN DARIPADA : YB PUAN TERESA KOK SUH SIM (SEPUTEH) TARIKH : 14 MAC 2012 SOALAN : YB. PUAN TERESA KOK SUH SIM (SEPUTEH) minta Menteri Pelajaran menyatakan nama SJK(C) baru ataupun pemindahan SJK(C) yang dijanjikan oleh Kementerian Pelajaran sejak tahun…
Response in Parliament from Tourism Minister to my question on MM2H
Of course, I find the response (or excuse) from YB Ng Yen Yen to be very shallow and irrational. Could it be that many foreigners are repelled more by the corruption in the country, especially that which affects the efficiency of the police and government agencies? Street demonstrations are a common practice and norm in…