Media statement by Teresa Kok, Member of Parliament for Seputeh, 10 May 2012, Kuala Lumpur I am flabbergasted to ascertain that the former Inspector-General of Police, Mohammed Hanif Omar, has been appointed to head the ‘independent panel’ that will probe the ugly events of Bersih 3.0 – where the rights of thousands of innocent Malaysians…
DAP PJ councillors are of highest quality
Press statement by Teresa Kok, Chairperson of DAP Selangor, 9th May 2012, Shah Alam I read with great regret that a personal letter by Dr Cheah Wing Yin to the DAP leadership has been carried by The Star today without the permission and confirmation of Dr Cheah and the DAP leadership. The DAP Selangor State…
郭素沁:警方提控理大生陈泓凯 违反和平集会法与大专法令精神
吉隆坡8日讯) 民主行动党士布爹区国会议员书郭素沁抨击警方提控人民之声槟城支部志工陈泓凯,已经违反了和平集会法令,以及修改大专法令给予大专生自由结社和参政的精神。 她说,甫结束的国会会议已经修改了大专法令,让大学生能够自由参加任何政党和社团;此外,内安法令也被删除,以和平集会法令替代,目的就是要让大马更民主和给予大专生更大的空间。 “然而,陈泓凯上个月在槟城理科大学张贴净选盟海报而被捕,并被控上槟城法庭,警方的举动不但违反两项法令的精神,也予人一种对净选盟支持者持有偏见的印象。” 她说,陈泓凯一旦罪成,将面对不超过6个月监禁丶或不超过3千令吉罚款或两者兼施;警方处理陈泓凯进入理大校园张贴净选盟集会海报的手法非常夸张,似乎是对净选盟展开报复的举动。 也是行动党全国组织秘书兼雪州高级行政议员的郭素沁今天发表文告说,於428 举行的3.0净选盟大集会并不是一项非法集会,首相纳吉和内政部长希山慕丁都异口同声表示人民可以自由参加这项集会,人民只是被禁止进入独立广场。 “因此,相对于张贴净选盟集会海报,根本就不是一项问题,警方是没有任何理由将陈泓凯控上槟城推事庭。” 她说,一般上,大学或学院的布告栏或墙壁上,都不时被张贴不获执法单位批准的广告及海报,难道只有张贴净选盟集会海报的人触犯刑事侵入的条例吗? 郭素沁呼吁希山慕丁能够与警方取得共识,不要再让无辜的人民受到不必要的伤害。 郭素沁 有关人民之声槟城支部志工陈泓凯被控上推事庭的新闻报道如下
Visiting flood victims at Pekan Salak Selatan
(Residents and I at the barrier which caused the backflow of water) This morning I visited Pekan Salak Selatan, which is in my constituency, to assess the situation on the damages caused by the flood on 2nd May 2012. I was shocked by the extent of damages which was suffered by the traders in the…
“Trees to Green” launch at Alam Impian
On 3rd of May 2012 I attended the launch of “Trees to Green” – a CSR project by I&P Group at Alam Impian, Shah Alam. This event was officiated by Duli Yang Maha Mulia Sultan Sharafuddin Idris Shah accompanied by Tan Sri Abdul Khalid Ibrahim. I feel this is a great initiative taken by I&P…
DAP Seputeh GE Fund Raising Dinner 20th May 2012
Dear Friends, As you are aware, the 13th General Election is around the corner. Once again we, from the DAP Seputeh, would like to seek your support as we enter into the battlefield for democracy. We would like to seek your participation at our DAP Seputeh General Elections Fund Raising Dinner: Date: 20th May 2012 (Sunday)…
Vaisakhi Open House Celebration in Puchong
On May 1st 2012 I attended a Vaisakhi open house that was in Puchong. I was amazed the with time and effort placed in the decoration of the venue. Bravo to the organizing committee. This is the very first time such an event had taken place in Puchong as this is one of the many…
My court case against Utusan to be heard on Oct 5
Teresa Kok’s Defamation Suit Against Chamil Wariya, Utusan Set For Hearing On Oct 5 KUALA LUMPUR, April 30 (Bernama) — The High Court here today set Oct 5 to hear a RM30 million defamation suit filed by Seputeh Member of Parliament Teresa Kok Suh Sim against Malaysian Press Institute Chief Executive Officer Datuk Chamil Wariya…