Constitutional law expert Dr Abdul Aziz Bari has joined DAP today, making him the latest prominent Malay to join the party, after national literary laureate Datuk A. Samad Said. He contested the Sabak Bernam parliamentary seat under PKR’s banner in the 13th general election and lost. Aziz said he was thankful for the opportunity to…
The setting up of a Royal Commission of Inquiry into 1 MDB scandal is long overdue
Although it is the Prime Minister’s prerogative to sack the Deputy Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin from his Cabinet, the question that arises is whether Datuk Seri Najib has exercised his prerogative fairly and justifiably. If an independent public opinion survey is carried out, I am sure the result will show that Malaysians are more…
Ummi: Umno will go down to the grave
KUALA LUMPUR: Businesswoman Ummi Hafilda Ali, no stranger to controversy, burst into tears on Tuesday over the sacking of Deputy Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin as she warned that “Umno will go down to the grave” Ummi, a sister of Selangor Menteri Besar Azmin Ali, was announcing that she was resigning as an Umno member with…
Apandi Ali peguam negara baharu, ganti Gani Patail
Hakim Mahkamah Persekutuan Tan Sri Mohamed Apandi Ali dinamakan sebagai Peguam Negara yang baharu hari ini, menggantikan Tan Sri Abdul Gani Patail yang menghidap penyakit buah pinggang. Agensi berita Bernama memetik Ketua Setiausaha Negara Tan Sri Ali Hamsa membuat pengumuman itu sebentar tadi. Pelantikan Apandi berkuatkuasa semalam. Apandi pada Oktober 2013 memainkan peranan penting dalam…
Bank Negara allows ringgit to drop below 3.80 to dollar
For the past three weeks, the Malaysian authorities have allowed the ringgit to trade below levels that in 1998 prompted them to impose a dollar peg and capital controls. Economists expect more downside, with the Federal Reserve set to raise US interest rates. The ringgit has traded around 3.81 per dollar since July 6, exceeding…
Kuala Lumpur’s $1 Billion Terminal Is Sinking, Airline Says
Kuala Lumpur International Airport’s new budget passenger terminal is sinking, with cracks appearing in the taxiway and water forming pools that planes must drive through. The defects could cause flight delays, increase wear and tear on planes and pose potential safety risks, according to AirAsia Bhd., the new terminal’s biggest user. Though take offs and…
Malays say they join DAP for its struggle, not for power
Far from being mere yes-men as alleged by an Utusan Malaysia columnist recently, the Malays who join DAP do not believe in self-entitlement but instead accept its culture built on merit, a Malay DAP federal lawmaker said. These Malays are also academically accomplished and thick-skinned enough to endure and share the ideals of the party’s…
Calling Hadi a Umno stooge, Kit Siang claims PAS will lose big in next GE
KUALA LUMPUR, July 25 — PAS President Datuk Seri Abdul Hadi Awang will be solely responsible for his party losing big in the next national polls, Lim Kit Siang claimed today. The DAP veteran said Abdul Hadi has allowed himself to be influenced by Umno, causing the opposition to lose votes especially among the non-Malays…