The imposition of a three year travel ban overseas on those said to run down the government is undemocratic, ridiculous and totally unacceptable. The undemocratic move, which is a violation of every citizen’s right to travel abroad, has also proven what a desperate government is prepared to do to protect its interest in the name…
Reduced budget sees Suhakam confined to Klang Valley
KUALA LUMPUR: Budget cuts have left Human Rights Commission of Malaysia (Suhakam) confined to operating only in the Klang Valley. This was stated by Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department Paul Low in a written parliamentary reply to Teresa Kok (DAP-Seputeh) today. “Suhakam has agreed to limit its activities to only the Klang Valley and…
Amanah throwing hat in by-election ring against PAS ‘by convention,’ says veep
KUALA LUMPUR, May 17 — “Convention” dictates that Parti Amanah Negara (Amanah) should contest in the two upcoming by-elections in Perak and Selangor, its vice-president Datuk Mujahid Yusof Rawa asserted today. The Parit Buntar MP said his party has made it a point to gun for any seat that were previously considered the reserve of…
Kit Siang: Voters will punish PAS in coming by-elections for causing Pakatan split
KUALA LUMPUR, May 17 ― Lim Kit Siang dismissed claims today that PAS would fare well in the Sungai Besar and Kuala Kangsar by-elections, saying instead that the Islamist party would likely face the wrath of voters in both seats for causing Pakatan Rakyat’s (PR) breakup last year. The DAP veteran claimed the party only…
Selamat Kembali ke Parkimen Sdr Lim Kit Siang
Today the parliamentary leader of DAP, Lim Kit Siang comes back to Parliament after being suspended for 6 months by the Parliament for questioning the 1MDB scandal last year. Parliament is the place for LKS. His return to parliament is like the fish returning to water. 💪selamat kembali ke Parlimen, LKS
Solidarity bersama sdr Hishamuddin Rais
Last night I attended the solidarity night with activist Hishamuddin Rais. He has been sentenced to 9 months jail by court under Sedition Act and his appeal will be heard tomorrow (Monday). If he loses the case, he will go to jail. The invitation to the solidarity night said the venue is at Kelab Bangsar…
PRK Sungai Besar: PAS janji tidak akan serang BN
PETALING JAYA: PAS berjanji tidak akan menggunakan teknik menyerang UMNO dan BN pada Pilihan Raya Kecil (PRK) Sungai Besar nanti, kerana ia tidak mampu menarik pengundi Melayu menyokong parti Islam itu. Ini kerana, kata Ketua Penerangan Dewan Ulama PAS Pusat, Datuk Dr Mohd Khairuddin Aman Razali at-Takiri, rakyat sedia maklum UMNO dan BN sedang dibelenggu…
Hornbill Festival at Matic KL
Today I attended the Hornbill Festival at Tourism and Cultural Centre, Matic at Kuala Lumpur. Horbill Festival is sort of “beauty contest” which features the beautiful costumes of the different ethnic communities of Sabah and Sarawak. Dato Seri Nazri, the Minister of Tourism made a surprise visit to the function without prior notice. He and…