随着大马女性教育水平提高和就业机会提高,越来越多的女性开始自行创业,并在企业界绽放异彩。 由于媒体鲜少报道,一般人不认识这些商场的出色女性,特别是年轻的女企业家,为此,雪华堂妇女组在雪州行政议员郭素沁及商天下杂志编辑陳宥權的协助下,特别和雪州政府联办这场讲座会,让这些在商场上冒出头角的女性与出席者分享他们创业的心路历程。 身为主办单位,我们希望出席的女性能从这些既有财又有智慧的女性的成功故事里有所领悟,藉此鼓舞更多的积极的在事业上冲刺和创业。 日期:2012年8月25日(星期六) 时间:1pm-6pm 地点:莎亚南会议厅 Shah Alam Convention Centre No.4, Jalan Perbadanan 14/9, 40000 Shah Alam, Selangor. 主讲人: 1)颜海錀女士(IDC Training House Sdn Bhd董事兼创办人) 2)陈盈璇女士(Pyrometro Services (M) 执行长) 3)李凤蒂女士(Success Power Group (Agency)代理员) 4)廖桂萫女士(Abeille Do’s Corporation Sdn Bhd 执行主席) 5)林阅淣女士(The Nail Shop 特许经营员) 主持人: 1)郑淑娟AIS(隆雪华堂妇女组顾问) 2)李素桦律师(隆雪华堂妇女组署理主席)
Chua tee Yong should attend the briefing on Talam’s debt and Water issue tomorrow or else, please stop ranting on Talam’s debt
Press statement by Teresa Kok, Senior Exco of Selangor, 6th August 2012, at Shah Alam =================================================== I invite Chua Tee Yong and his colleagues to attend the Selangor Government’s transparency and accountability briefing on the artificial water crisis and Talam Corporation to be held at 10am tomorrow 7th August, 2012, at Shah Alam Convention Hall. During the briefing…
Memorable trip to Burma (v): Visit to NLD HQ
After meeting with NLD MPs, we then traveled back to Rangoon. We arrived at Rangoon at 3am. It was so tired to travel so far away in a dark road. On our way back to Rangoon, our tour guide Phoenix told us that we might have opportunity to meet with Aung San Suu Kyi the…
Memorable Trip to Burma (IV): A Peep on Naypyitaw Parliament
On the second day, after our AIPMC meeting in the morning in the five style hotel that we stay, we decided to drive around in Naypyitaw. The secretariat of AIPMC has written letter to the Speaker of the Parliament to request for a meeting with him and to visit the Parliament, but we did not…
Chua Soi Lek has made a wild allegation that DAP has the similar intention as thier
DAP National Organising Secretary Teresa Kok has rebuked MCA President Chua Soi Lek’s allegation that DAP intends to replace MCA in Barisan Nasional coalition. She said Chua’s accusation was baseless and ludicrous, and the allegation made by Chua showed he was illogical and irrational. She pointed out it was rather obvious that the DAP’s fights…
Memorable Trip to Burma (III): Trip to Naypyitaw (Putrajaya in Burma)
After lunch, we went to Naypyitaw, the newly built administration city of Burma, like Canberra in Australia and Putrajaya in Malaysia. The distance between Naypyitaw and Rangoon is 250 miles. It is soooo far. It took us 5 hours to reach Naypyitaw City. I remember when Dr Mahathir built Putrajaya and put KLIA so far…
Memorable Trip to Burma (II): Met with 88 Generations & Ethnic Nationality MPs
Leaders from 88 Generation and AIPMC members had a great fellowship. The man on first left is Kraisak (former Thai senator), the man third on the right is SonnChay (MP from Cambodia). These two men and Lim Kit Siang are pillars of AIPM. On the second day morning, we met with the leaders of 88…
Memorable Trip to Burma (I)
Sdr. Fong Kui Lun, Sdr. Lim Kit Siang, Sdr. Tan Kok Wai and I On 3 July 2012, I went to Myanmar (Burma) together with my party leaders Sdr. Lim Kit Siang, Sdr. Tan Kok Wai and Sdr. Fong Kui Lun on the invitation of ASEAN Inter-Parliamentary Myanmar Caucus (AIPMC). MPs from Thailand, Indonesia, Singapore and…