民主行动党全国组织秘书兼士布爹区国会议员郭素沁14-12-2011(星期三)於吉隆坡发表文告声援张念群和章瑛。 吉隆坡14日讯)民主行动党全国组织秘书郭素沁指出,不论是政党或人民代议士,助人在於施恩莫望报,然而,最近由马华引发的“政治感恩”论,却彻底暴露了马华利用助人,甚至是百年树人的教育来当作“政治资本”的丑陋心态。 她调侃马华为苟延残喘在国阵里的政治生命,对於国家大事和严 重的贪腐滥权, 从不敢向巫统呛声;但只施行了一些“恩惠”,却公开要人报答且通过各种管道大肆渲染,这无疑已政治化了助人的真谛。
MCA should state any conditions attached to accepting help from MCA
Press statement by Teresa Kok, DAP National Organising Secretary and MP for Seputeh in Kuala Lumpur on 14 December 2011 If there are any conditions attached to any of MCA’s public service such as Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman or 1MCA Medical Foundation, MCA should state these conditions from the start. MCA’s insistence that…
Join us at the upcoming Economics Forum – Thursday 15 Dec 2011
Following the large interest and success of the previous economics forum we organised last month, I felt it was necessary to build on that interest and create a momentum of awareness and information sharing with Selangorians (and all Malaysians interested in attending) on the state of our economy and what its future holds for us….
Stop attacking Gardenia from racist angle
Three days ago, I received a visit from the managers of Gardenia bread. Gardenia bakes their breads in several factories in Selangor and distributes them nationwide from Selangor. They came to meet me to express their concern to me over some untruths about Gardenia which are being spread via SMS, forwarded email and Facebook in…
Groundbreaking ceremony for expansion of SJKC Sin Ming Puchong
I wrote about this a few days ago.
Selangor’s Jom Shopping programme with the silver-haired citizens of Puchong in October 2011
Christmas Carolling Freely
Police urged to respect religious practices of Christian churches on carolling Press Statement by Teresa Kok, Selangor Senior State Exco and DAP National Organising Secretary, Shah Alam – 9 December 2011. The Malaysian Royal Police must not use politically motivated manoeuvres to hinder long-held customs, such as the tradition of Carolling among Christians, which has…
The dream of SJKC Sin Ming Puchong comes true
Yesterday, 7 Dec 2011 is a happy day for all members of the school board and Parents Teachers Association of SJKC Sin Ming. The dream of having neighbouring land for school expansion has finally come true. Tan Sri Khalid Ibrahim, the Chief Minister of Selangor attended the earth-breaking ceremony for the expanded building. MB has…