On the second day, after our AIPMC meeting in the morning in the five style hotel that we stay, we decided to drive around in Naypyitaw. The secretariat of AIPMC has written letter to the Speaker of the Parliament to request for a meeting with him and to visit the Parliament, but we did not…
Chua Soi Lek has made a wild allegation that DAP has the similar intention as thier
DAP National Organising Secretary Teresa Kok has rebuked MCA President Chua Soi Lek’s allegation that DAP intends to replace MCA in Barisan Nasional coalition. She said Chua’s accusation was baseless and ludicrous, and the allegation made by Chua showed he was illogical and irrational. She pointed out it was rather obvious that the DAP’s fights…
Memorable Trip to Burma (III): Trip to Naypyitaw (Putrajaya in Burma)
After lunch, we went to Naypyitaw, the newly built administration city of Burma, like Canberra in Australia and Putrajaya in Malaysia. The distance between Naypyitaw and Rangoon is 250 miles. It is soooo far. It took us 5 hours to reach Naypyitaw City. I remember when Dr Mahathir built Putrajaya and put KLIA so far…
Memorable Trip to Burma (II): Met with 88 Generations & Ethnic Nationality MPs
Leaders from 88 Generation and AIPMC members had a great fellowship. The man on first left is Kraisak (former Thai senator), the man third on the right is SonnChay (MP from Cambodia). These two men and Lim Kit Siang are pillars of AIPM. On the second day morning, we met with the leaders of 88…
Memorable Trip to Burma (I)
Sdr. Fong Kui Lun, Sdr. Lim Kit Siang, Sdr. Tan Kok Wai and I On 3 July 2012, I went to Myanmar (Burma) together with my party leaders Sdr. Lim Kit Siang, Sdr. Tan Kok Wai and Sdr. Fong Kui Lun on the invitation of ASEAN Inter-Parliamentary Myanmar Caucus (AIPMC). MPs from Thailand, Indonesia, Singapore and…
The “Over-Valued Land Purchase” Raised By Chua Tee Yong Has Been Taken Back By SAP, Why Did He Raise A Non-Issue?
Press statement by Teresa Kok, Senior Exco of Selangor, 4th August 2012, at Shah Alam ===================================================== Yesterday, Chua Tee Yong yet again made another stunning yet baseless allegation. He claimed a Selangor GLC had bought over-valued land in Ulu Yam. The accusation again shows that he did not do homework on the said land. The…
民主行动党雪州高级行政议员郭素沁4-8-2102(星期六)於沙亚南发表文告 ======================================================= (沙亚南4日讯)民主行动党雪州高级行政议员郭素沁指出,马华青年专才局主任蔡智勇日前指雪兰莪一家州联公司,在乌鲁音买了一块估价过高的地段,凸显蔡氏又再作一次惊人却又毫无根据的指控。 她对蔡智勇三番四次在没有做足功课,就对雪州民联政府作出“指控”的行动感到遗憾。 她今天发主文告回应蔡智勇的谈话时表示,前任雪州国阵政府,把乌鲁音一块土地割让予雪兰莪产业有限公司集团(KHSB)的子公司SAP控股有限公司,换言之,SAP公司是有关土地的受益业主。 “之后,SAP公司欲和达南公司进行联营发展上述地段,条件是有关图测必须得到雪州当局批准。” 郭素沁强调,由于上述地段属于第3和第4级斜坡,雪州民联政府没有批准有关图测;结果,SAP也终止了与达南的联营计划,并于2008年12月通过法律文件收回有关地段。 她严正指出,SAP从来没有向达南公司购买上述地段,因为这段地原本就是属于SAP的。 “我再次劝告蔡智勇,停止提出一些没有关联的问题;他对不明知就里的事提得越多,就越暴露本身对整个达南交易的无知!” 她真诚邀请蔡智勇,出席定译订於8月7日(周二)上午10时,在沙亚南会展中心举行的“达南债务问题汇报会”,亲身的聆听雪州政府的解说。 她说,唯有这样,蔡智勇才能以一劳永逸地得到他想知道的答案,免得他整天通过媒体盲目喊话,暴露他对整个交易的“不清不楚。 – 郭素沁 –
Chua Jahil Terhadap Penyelesaian Hutang Talam, Minta Dia Bertanding di Selangor di PRU13
Kenyataan Akhbar Teresa Kok, Exco Selangor, 1hb Ogos 2012, di Shah Alam Chua Tee Yong kelihatan “syok sendiri” apabila beliau mengatakan bahawa Tony Pua dan saya telah membuat kenyataan yang saling bercanggah dalam kes penyelesaian hutang Talam. Pada hakikatnya, kenyataan Tony Pua dan saya tidak saling bercanggah, cuma Chua Tee Yong yang gagal memahami…