Today I managed to speak for 15 minutes in Parliament in the 2018 budget debate. One of the issues I spoke was about the way IRB chased after business people on income tax. I raised some examples and blasted the manner IRB officers carried out their duties. My speech on this issue is as follow:…
Donation drive at the morning market of Jalan Raja Bot, Kg Baru
After Taman Midah market, we 3 MPs went to the morning market of Jalan Raja Bot, Kg Baru. Lim Lip Eng was waiting for us at the market together with some supporters and hawkers of that market.
Donation drive at the morning market of Taman Midah, Cheras
This morning I joined Tan Kok Wai and Fong Kui Lun to do a donation drive at the morning market of Taman Midah, Cheras. It was dizzling in the morning and the sky was dark, not many people in the market.
Signature drive aimed at registering residents’ objections against overdevelopment
Residents of Taman Desa, Kuala Lumpur, are putting words to action as they embarked on a petition to address issues of overdevelopment in the area.
Taman Desa residents want balanced development
IT IS the last straw for residents of Taman Desa in Kuala Lumpur as they work to address the issue of overdevelopment in their neighbourhood.
March From Parliament to Dataran Merdeka in Commemoration of 1,000 days of Imprisonment of Anwar Ibrahim
Tonight I joined the march from Parliament to Dataran Merdeka in commemoration of 1,000 days of imprisonment of Anwar Ibrahim. The march was organised by PKR, I joined the march together with LimKit Siang and my DAP colleagues like Ong Kian Ming, Anthony Loke and other Pakatan Harapan leaders.
Oppose Over Development in Taman Desa Campaign Dear friends in Taman Desa, DBKL has messed up Taman Desa by approving many new high rise and high density residential development. We estimate there is going to have 18 tower blocks totalling 5,744 apartment units in Taman Desa, Danau Desa and Bukit Desa. Please join the signature campaign to oppose over-development in Taman…
Press Conference On The Launching Of Signature Campaign On Over-development In Taman Desa
This morning, I called a press conference on the launching of signature campaign on over-development in Taman Desa. After the press conference, I joint the concerned citizens in Taman Desa to collect signatures from residents in the coffee shops in Taman Desa.