Home Minister Hishamuddin Hussein went on record in Parliament on Wednesday to admit that I am not a “pengganas” i.e. not a terrorist or aggressor. See for yourself in this video at 2:20. His admission that I am no “pengganas” is a tacit acknowledgement that there was no basis whatsoever for my 7-day detention under…
RM75 million in foreign direct investment for new oleochemical factory at Halal Hub, Pulau Indah
Yesterday afternoon, Menteri Besar and I went to Halal Hub, Pulau Indah to officially open the brand new Oleon factory owned by European investors. In his speech, Mr Chris Depreeuw the Managing Director of Oleon NV thanked Selangor State Investment Council (SSIC), especially Dato Jabar, for convincing him to invest in Malaysia and Selangor state….
Pelaburan masuk Selangor menggalakkan: 174 projek bernilai RM3.4 billion dan 9,699 peluang pekerjaan bagi Jan – Ogos 2009
Ucapan Penggulungan Perbahasan Bajet 2010 Oleh YB Teresa Kok, Exco Pelaburan, Perindustrian dan Perdagangan Negeri Selangor di Dewan Undangan Negeri Selangor Pada 13 November 2009 Sejak Kerajaan Pakatan Rakyat mengambil alih tampuk kepemimpinan Selangor, pihak pembangkang telah banyak kali mengatakan bahawa ekonomi dan pelaburan di Selangor telah turun. Di sini, saya ingin memberikan satu gambaran…
Watch my Pakatan colleagues and I “in action” at Dewan Negeri Selangor sitting
Selangor State Legislative Assembly is now in session at Dewan Negeri Selangor in Shah Alam. It started on Monday and will continue until next Tuesday, 17 November. You can watch it live online at www.tvselangor.com. Just click on the red “Live TV” button. Yesterday, Menteri Besar presented his budget speech and you can download the…
RM7 billion in investment and 18,166 job new jobs in Selangor since March 8, 2008
Selangor approves 249 projects worth RM7b http://www.btimes.com.my/Current_News/BTIMES/articles/20091110160351/Article/ Published: 2009/11/10 A TOTAL of 249 new projects worth more than RM7 billion in investments were approved in Selangor between March 2008 and July this year. Chairman of the Permanent State Committee for Investments, Industrialisation and Trade, Teresa Kok Suh Sim, said out of the investments, about RM2.667…
Budget Speech part 3/3: Criticising police’s failure to protect, and how Speaker rejected my request for total cost of submarine and arms purchased
Budget Speech part 2/3: Labour shortage stifling investment, quality people should get PR and my disappointment with Halal Development Corporation
Budget Speech part 1/3: Championing green technology, criticising nuclear power plant, and need for better infrastructure at industrial parks
Here’s part 1 of 3 of my budget speech at the Parliament sitting last Tuesday.