My office is organising this talk by the very knowledgeable and well-experienced Rocky Wong. I invite you to come for this talk for us to discuss where Malaysia’s economy stands in relation to other ASEAN member countries, as well as what strategies and policies Malaysia needs to implement to be more competitive in the face…
Encouraging small and medium businesses as a way to boost personal income
Last Saturday and Sunday, my office organised a 2-day training programme called “New Approaches to Business & Investment in an Uncertain Economic Environment” to equip people with the skills to face the economic challenges of today and be more financially independent and self-motivated. We had it at Hotel Armada in PJ. We arranged for professionals,…
Parlimen: Bilakah orang Malaysia dapat beli kereta import dengan harga lebih murah?
Pertanyaan: Lisan Daripada: YB Puan Teresa Kok Suh Sim Kawasan: Seputeh Tarikh: 30.11.2009 (Isnin) YB Puan Teresa Kok Suh Sim (Seputeh) minta Menteri Perdagangan Antara Bangsa dan Industri menyatakan bilakah Kerajaan akan mengurangkan duti import kenderaan disamakan dengan harga jualan kenderaan di negara jiran seperti Thailand dan Indonesia. Apakah rancangan Kerajaan terhadap syarikat PROTON dan…
Parlimen: Masih ada RM20.167 juta (66.6%) untuk naik taraf infrastruktur kawasan perindustrian Selangor bagi Okt 2009 – Dis 2010
Pertanyaan: Bertulis Daripada: Puan Teresa Kok Kawasan: Seputeh Puan Teresa Kok Suh Sim (Seputeh) minta MENTERI PERDAGANGAN DAN INDUSTRI menyatakan peruntukan menaik-taraf infrastruktur kawasan perindustrian yang diberi oleh Kementerian kepada setiap kawasan perindustrian di setiap negeri. JAWAPAN: Tuan Yang Dipertua, Di bawah Rancangan Malaysia Ke-9, Kerajaan telah menyediakan peruntukan khas one-off Program Menaik Taraf Infrastruktur…
Announcing Selangor State Christmas Open House in Klang
Come one, come all to Selangor State’s Christmas Open House 2009. Date: 6 December 2009 Time: 6pm – 11pm Venue: Padang Stadium Sultan Suleiman (Kota Raja), Klang There will be Christmas carols, a music band, cultural performances, and of course, good food! See you there.
Good news for Kinrara residents; New traffic lights at Jalan Kinrara
After much lobbying to MPSJ, I am very happy to announce that new traffic lights have been installed at the accident-prone Jalan Kinrara for the safety of all residents and motorists. I went to there last Saturday morning to inspect the site. Together with me was Encik Arifuddin Kamari, Pegawai Jabatan Kejuruteraan of MPSJ in…
Selamat Hari Raya Haji kepada semua muslimin dan muslimat
Selamat pulang ke kampung masing-masing dan semoga berhati-hati di jalan raya. (Photo credit: Tuis @ Flickr)
“Backing Pakatan, regardless”
I spotted some very inspirational words in a status message from a Facebook friend, “Sun Line” and I wish to share them with you. After all the setbacks we have had, this is a real shot in the arm for us. Sun Line will continue to back Pakatan, regardless. He may have slapped Pakatan a…