Let’s ring in 2010 together. It’s going to be a fantastic night at i-City, one of Selangor’s most exciting commercial development in Shah Alam, just a short distance off the Federal Highway. Time: 10pm Date: 31 December 2009 Venue: CityWalk @ i-City, Seksyen 7, Shah Alam. View map. Programme 5 – 7pm: Street performances, orang…
TVSelangor, “Teresa: Lupus Dakwat Kekal Bukti Pembaziran Kerajaan Pusat” 22 Disember 2009
DS 22DIS – Teresa : Lupus Dakwat Kekal Bukti Pembaziran Kerajaan Pusat Gabungan Pilihanraya Bersih dan Adil (Bersih) menyifatkan tindakan kerajaan pusat yang melupuskan dakwat kekal sebagai satu pembaziran. Sila klik untuk mendengar komen saya tentang pelupusan dakwat kekal yang sepatutnya digunakan ketika pilihanraya umum Mac 2008. Please click to hear my comments on the…
Well done organisers for a wonderful MBPJ Christmas concert 2009
I attended the Christmas concert organised by Petaling Jaya City Council (MBPJ), All PJ Residents Association Coalition (APAC) and Christian Federation of Malaysia (CFM) two weeks ago at MBPJ Dewan Sivik. Events and gatherings such like these help spread the joy of Christmas and promote cross-cultural understanding among the local community, so the organisers deserve…
i-City’s “white christmas” puts i-City and Shah Alam on the map
Three days ago, Menteri Besar Khalid Ibrahim, EXCO Elizabeth Wong, EXCO Ronnie Liu (with the Santa beard) and I paid a special visit to i-City to view their spectacular white Christmas display, and lend our Selangor State government’s support to their efforts to promote i-City and the city of Shah Alam as a commercial hub….
The Star, “It’s a digital white Xmas at I-City”, 21 December 2009
Monday December 21, 2009 It’s a digital white Xmas at I-City By THO XIN YI Photo by RAYMOND OOI WITH “snowflakes” covering the ground, the White Winter Wonderland at I-City in Shah Alam has been turned into a playground for the children. There was no real, snow, nevertheless, the children had a fun time throwing…
Lodged police report on threatening SMS
Yesterday morning, I lodged a police report of criminal defamation to report a threatening SMS which I received from phone number 014-282800 on 22 December 2009. It began when on 20 December 2009, I received the following SMS from 0142282800: “Goodevening YB,Here m N.Sevanesan YDP PIBG SJK (T) CASTLEFIELD PUCHONG support 200 bags kempen BACK…
Teresa : Lupus Dakwat Kekal Bukti Pembaziran Kerajaan Pusat
Teresa : Lupus Dakwat Kekal Bukti Pembaziran Kerajaan Pusat http://www.selangorkini.com.my/my/berita/8824 Rabu, 23 Disember 2009 | Ruangan: Berita SHAH ALAM, 23 Disember – Gabungan Pilihanraya Bersih dan Adil (Bersih) menyifatkan tindakan kerajaan pusat yang melupuskan dakwat kekal sebagai satu pembaziran. Ahli Jawatankuasanya yang juga Exco Selangor, Teresa Kok berkata, ia sekaligus menunjukkan Suruhanjaya Pilihanraya (SPR) lemah…
Wishing you a very Merry Christmas
May your Christmas be filled with love, peace and joy. For those who will balik kampung or go traveling this season, I wish you a safe journey and a safe return.