FEDERAL-STATE RELATIONS NEW RAKYAT GUIDES BOOKLET. NEW RAKYAT SERVICE ADVERTISEMENT. MORE CONVERSATIONS ON THE CONSTITUTION. We have come to the 3rd phase of the MyConstitution Campaign. This time, it will be co-hosted by the Selangor Government! With the assistance of the Selangor Government, we are launching the 3rd booklet: The Rakyat Guides entitled “Federal-State Relations”. …
My stand as an MP on ISA, Islamic or secular state, Freedom of Information Act and others
Today, The Nut Graph published my response to the 6 questions which they are asking all 222 MPs in their “MP Watch: Eye on Parliament” project. Read on for my stand on ISA, Islamic or secular state, Freedom of Information Act and others. Teresa Kok (Seputeh) 11 Feb 10 : 8.00AM By Deborah Loh [email protected]…
Menyambut Ponggol bersama penduduk di Puchong dengan meriah
Pada bulan yang lalu, saya telah menerima jemputan untuk menyertai perayaan Ponggol oleh penduduk di Puchong. Di sini, saya menunggu sehingga susu di dalam periuk mendidih sehingga melimpah keluar dari periuk. Tradisi ini membawa maksud bahawa hasil tanaman pada tahun itu akan membuahkan hasil yang lumayan sekali. Menyalakan pelita India.
Celebrating Bible College Malaysia’s 50th anniversary
Last month, I was at Bible College of Malaysia at Jalan Gasing, PJ to officially launch their 50th anniversary celebration. In my speech, I praised the school for contribute towards nation-building by training so many ministers who serve their communities, irrespective of race or creed, through the years. I also presented BCM with a RM3,000…
DAP not affiliated with rocketmail.com
Our political enemies are not only creating websites, Facebook accounts/groups, Twitter accounts to impersonate DAP or DAP leaders but also using email addresses. The latest case which came to our attention involves the following email address “[email protected]“. For your information, rocketmail.com is owned by Yahoo. DAP is not in anyway affiliated with rocketmail.com.
Keputusan Kerajaan Negeri Selangor terhadap YBK
Majlis Mesyuarat Kerajaan Negeri Selangor (MMKN) hari ini telah mendengar pembentangan oleh pengarah Pejabat Tanah dan Galian dan Pejabat Daerah Hulu Selangor berkenaan tanah di Serendah yang telah diberimilik kepada Yayasan Basmi Kemiskinan (YBK). MMKN telah diberitahu pada pemberimilikan 33 lot tanah seluas 876 hektar (2,164 ekar) kepada YBK telah dibuat oleh kerajaan yang terdahulu…
Demand that Najib Razak apologise for and condemn Nasir Safar’s racist remarks and sack Nasir Safar for insubordination
Press Statement by Teresa Kok, Selangor State Senior EXCO and Member of Parliament for Seputeh on 3rd February 2010 at Shah Alam Demand that Najib Razak apologise for and condemn Nasir Safar’s racist remarks and sack Nasir Safar for insubordination I wish to unreservedly condemn the incendiary, inflammatory and outright racist remarks made by Nasir…
雪兰莪州高级行政议员及士布爹区国会议员郭素沁于2009年1月25日在沙亚南发布的新闻稿。 选委会必须阐明实施提前投票制度和在投票前落实两天的冷静期的机制。 我想对选举委员会副主席拿督威拉旺阿末的建议,即落实的提前投票制度和两天的冷静期表达我的疑虑。(资料来源:http://thestar.com.my/news/story.asp?file=/2010/1/25/nation/5539994&sec=nation) 在这两项提议被接受落实之前,选委会必须回答一些严重的问题,而且是详细的回答。 首先,警察部队成员,军事人员和选委会职员都可提早在选举日前行使邮寄选票的权力。选委会有没有打算赋予其它行业提前投票的权力?和以怎样的标准来辨识这些行业的职员?在延长的投票期间,选委会要如何确保投票箱内的选票不会被篡改? 第二,一旦实施较长的冷静期,这将会为国阵候选人创造不公平的优势,相对的这对民联候选人和独立人士将会是一项障碍。因为国阵会有更多的时间利用政府操控的主流媒体来拉票。 众所周知,政府控制的主流媒体并不独立,它们不但不为非国阵候选人提供公正的报道,而且还扭曲和掩盖事实。一个明显的例子是在308大选时,国阵候选人落选而民联候选人获胜时的成绩总是延迟公布。 选委会将如何确保较长的冷静期不会让国阵有更大的空间滥用政府媒体,和侵占政府资源来为他们竞选?何况过去选委会也不曾采取任何措施防止这些事情发生。 除非拿督威拉阐明选委会打算如何实施提前投票制度,和如何以不影响选举进程的完整性来落实两天的冷静期,否则大马公民将会对选委会的公正性,和其对自由及公平选举的承诺产生严重的怀疑 郭素沁 雪兰莪州高级行政议员 士布爹区国会议员