Kenyataan akhbar oleh Teresa Kok, EXCO Kanan Kerajaan Negeri Selangor bagi Pelaburan, Perindustrian dan Perdagangan di Shah Alam pada 25 Mei 2011
Selangor mencapai jumlah pelaburan asing yang tertinggi di Malaysia berbanding negeri-negeri lain bagi tempoh Januari – Mac 2011
Statistik terkini MIDA (Malaysia Industrial Development Authority) mengenai pelaburan perindustrian di Malaysia bagi tempoh Januari hingga Mac 2011 mengikut negeri menunjukkan bahawa negeri Selangor telah mencapai jumlah pelaburan perindustrian yang diluluskan sebanyak RM 2.5 billion bagi tempoh tersebut.
Jumlah pelaburan asing yang tertinggi
Selangor telah berjaya mencapai jumlah pelaburan asing yang tertinggi di Malaysia berbanding negeri-negeri lain iaitu sebanyak RM 1.5 billion. Angka ini merupakan dua kali ganda negeri di tempat ketiga iaitu Johor yang memperolehi nilai pelaburan asing sebanyak RM 766 juta.
Jumlah projek perindustrian yang tertinggi
Selangor juga telah mencapai jumlah projek perindustrian yang diluluskan yang tertinggi di Malaysia dengan 59 projek perindustrian. Angka ini merupakan 32% daripada jumlah projek bagi seluruh Malaysia.
Daripada 59 projek perindustrian yang diluluskan di Selangor, 43 merupakan projek baru manakala baki 16 merupakan projek yang diperkembangkan.
Selangor diikuti oleh Johor di tempat kedua dengan 51 projek dan Pulau Pinang di tempat ketiga dengan 20 projek.
Jumlah peluang pekerjaan yang kedua tertinggi
Di samping itu, Selangor telah mencapai jumlah peluang pekerjaan yang dihasilkan yang kedua tertinggi di Malaysia dengan 3,880 pekerjaan.
Pelaburan asing dan tempatan yang seimbang
RM 1.5 billion atau 60% daripada pelaburan di Selangor terdiri daripada pelaburan asing manakala 40% atau RM 1 billion terdiri daripada pelaburan tempatan. Ini menunjukkan bahawa pelabur tempatan juga berpuas hati dengan Kerajaan Negeri Selangor, maka mereka sudi melabur di Selangor.
Pelaburan asing dari seluruh pelusok dunia
Di kalangan pelaburan asing di Selangor, Korea Selatan menanam pelaburan yang paling banyak dengan nilai pelaburan sebanyak RM637 juta, diikuti oleh Singapura dengan RM 485 juta, dan Australia dengan RM102 juta.
Selangor kekal sebagai destinasi pelaburan yang popular
Jumlah pelaburan asing dan jumlah projek perindustrian yang tertinggi di Selangor menunjukkan bahawa ekonomi Selangor masih lagi mantap dan merupakan destinasi pelaburan yang popular bagi pelabur asing dan tempatan.
Teresa Kok

Press statement by Teresa Kok, Selangor State Senior EXCO and MP for Seputeh in Shah Alam on 18 May 2011
Najib Razak refusal to act against Perkasa’s extremism makes a mockery of his “moderation is the best course of action” speech at Oxford
It has been four days since Perkasa chief Ibrahim Ali issued the blatantly seditious, incendiary and dangerous warning that he and other Perkasa leaders will wage a crusade against the Christians and even shed blood if Christians continue to challenge Islam’s position in the country which is an allegation which has proven to be lies made-up by two pro-UMNO bloggers and propagated by UMNO rag Utusan Malaysia.
And yet to this day, Prime Minister Najib Razak, de facto Law Minister Nazri Aziz and Home Minister Hishammuddin Hussein have taken no action against Ibrahim Ali. Even worse, they have made excuses for Ibrahim Ali’s hate and fear-mongering which is even more dangerous. Despite proclaiming 1Malaysia to all and sundry, all three are willing to jeopardise the peace and harmony of Malaysia and endanger the lives of fellow Malaysians for the sake of lengthening their personal political careers.
Yesterday, Najib delivered a mockery of a speech at Oxford University where he called upon the world community to embrace moderation as the best course of action.
What beautiful words by his speechwriter, but how hollow they ring. Najib’s words have no credibility because he has failed to match them with credible action. If Najib truly believed in moderation, he would have denounced Ibrahim Ali’s remarks outright and stated that such threats have no place in his so-called 1Malaysia. At the same time, Najib would put a stop to his own party, UMNO, breeding, harbouring and protecting such extremists. It is well-known that most of Perkasa’s membership consists of UMNO members.
In addition, Nazri Aziz stated yesterday that no action will be taken against Ibrahim Ali because his remarks are now a Malaysian norm. His reasoning is appalling and a betrayal of his duty as de facto law minister. Instead of upholding the law, he is making feeble excuses for allow offenders to continue breaking it. Only in Nazri’s eyes is it the norm to make seditious statements in Malaysia.
As for Hishammuddin Hussein, he too accepts Ibrahim Ali’s incendiary remarks. When Utusan Malaysia and the pro-UMNO bloggers published their wild allegations, he immediately ordered an investigation of the Christians but has taken no action whatsoever against Ibrahim Ali’s proven seditious remarks. It is clear that Hishammuddin practices double standards in his duty of safeguarding the security of Malaysia.
In conclusion, Malaysians cannot count on Najib, Nazri and Hishammuddin or UMNO in total to check the extremism of Ibrahim Ali and Perkasa because UMNO is in tacit support of Ibrahim Ali and Perkasa. Thus, with UMNO leading the country, Perkasa will grow more and more extreme in their views and continue to exploit racial and religious insecurities to divide the nation, for their bigoted interests.
I urge Najib, Nazri and Hishammuddin to stop allowing religious and racial extremism to persist in Malaysia, stop endangering the lives of Malaysians and take immediate action against Ibrahim Ali by charging him for criminal intimidation under clause 506 of the Penal Code. They must place the peace and harmony of Malaysia above UMNO’s selfish political survival.
Teresa Kok