Since a branch leader was sacked a few days ago, I am facing some nuisance and security issues.
i have alerted the police about someone impersonated my assistant and called for a press conference.
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updated:2007-06-06 20:08:00 MYT(吉隆坡訊)行動黨開除前黨要鄺志勝事隔數日,有心人進行惡作劇,冒用士布爹區國會議員郭素沁助理名義,通知各華文報採訪郭素沁談論鄺志勝被開除課題的記者會。對方的用意何在,郭素沁也不知情。
士布爹區國會議員秘書賢美儀說,如果郭素沁要召開新聞發佈會,是通過她或另一名秘書林鎮耀發函通知報館,不會用口頭方式。她對有人冒充郭素沁助理的事件感到驚訝,但不知道對方的居心何在。 (光明日報•2007.06.06)
I shall not be intimidated, I will not fall back a step. Keep your Mickey Mouse business out of sight. I will lay a police report if anybody keeps being a pain to me and society.
gee, YB, u sound pissed and rightly so.
maybe some nut got too much free much?
Dear YB, Just stay cool. The world is made up of all sorts of people and some are constructive, some are neutral and some are destructive. You just have to deal with the situations as they occur. Just try to stay cool.