Dec 30, 07 8:24pm In an about-turn, the Internal Security Ministry has allowed a Catholic weekly newspaper to continue to print without any condition, after earlier threatening to revoke its licence in a row over the word ‘Allah’. Augustine Julian, secretary of the Catholic Bishops’ Conference, said a new licence had been granted to the…
Flyover project: DAP questions ‘scandalous’ delay
Kit Siang said the project’s progress was so slow that an even bigger projects like the world’s highest railway in Tibet whose construction began at about the same time had already been completed.
Zoo abused
The Malay Mail 28/12/2007 (Friday) By DARSHINI KANDASAMY Many blatantly disregard the warning signs and barriers placed by zoo authorities to prevent them from approaching certain cages, harassing the animals or throwing stones and rubbish into the enclosures. “OUR cats look as if they can reach you!” This sentence on the Zoo Negara website describes…
New York Homicide Rate On Pace for Record Low
If the New York Police Department (NYPD) can successfully lower the crime rate, why can’t our PDRM? Look at the methods that they used to reduce crime rate in the notorious high crime rate city. Can we do it here too? Why does our police force always sound so helpless in battling against crime??? by…
‘The zoo is lying!’
The Malay Mail 27/12/2007 (Thursday) By Darshini Kandasamy (L-R: Tony Pua, Sankara N.Nair, Yours Truly, Haw Kim Chuan holding Qian Tong and Koh Ming Choo) “THE zoo is lying.” So claimed Haw Kim Chuan, the father of five-year-old Qian Tong, who was allegedly at- tacked by a leopard at Zoo Negara on Saturday. He was…
Parents insist daughter was attacked by puma
NST Haw Qian Tong has been making the news after she was attacked by a big cat at Zoo Negara last week. The zoo said it was a leopard. Her parents disagreed, claiming it was a puma. “They have been misleading the public. We didn’t even go to the leopard’s area,” said Qian Tong’s father,…
中国报 27/12/2007 (星期四) (吉隆坡26日訊)備受爭議、襲擊5歲女童侯芊彤的惡豹,“真凶”原來是美洲獅! 女童父親侯金川今日證實,真正襲擊女兒的惡豹,是美洲獅(Puma),並非之前媒體報導的黑豹或花豹。 他說,之前媒體刊登惡豹照片及品種,都是誤導性報導。 侯金川今日在民主行動黨士布爹區國會議員郭素沁辦事處,召開記者會時這么披露。 他指出,他們昨日委派他人到國家動物園,拍攝女兒受襲擊現場,發現管理員已在事發后,重新整理一番。 他說,事發當天,關著美洲獅的籠子前面,並沒擺設任何阻礙物,如今不但增設鐵絲網充當圍欄,籠子前也擺放著許多花盆。 但侯金川說,據觀察,美洲獅籠外鐵絲網,很輕易就可辨認出新舊區分。 自國家動物園發生惡豹襲擊女童事件后,本報曾鍥而不捨追訪逞兇惡豹品種。 本報記者也曾向國家動物園總監莫哈末雅醫生求證,當時莫哈末雅表示逞兇惡豹為黑豹,并非花豹。 記者也親自攜帶花豹照片到雙威醫藥中心,要求女童母親辨認,惟她說惡豹并非黑豹或花豹,而是深褐色的豹。 較早前,各語文報章一味報導逞兇惡豹為花豹,如今終于水落石出,“真凶”原來是美洲獅。
Quo Vadis Sabah – 45 years in Malaysia
Title : Quo Vadis Sabah – 45 years in Malaysia Place : Gaya Seafood Restraunt Inanam, Kota Kinabalu Date : 28th December 2007, Friday Time : 7.00 pm Speakers : Lim Kit Siang Teresa Kok Local speakers Place : Sandakan Hotel, Sandakan Date : 30th December 2007, Sunday Time : 7.00 pm Speakers : Lim…