After making much noise on my blog over unfair remarks of me written by Nadeswaran and Terence Fernandez inThe Sun, The Sun finally published my letter/press statement of clarification. The editor of The Sun, however, left a line in the printed version of the paper that said “The writers stand by their reports and their…
Selamaaaaaaaaaat Pagi Parlimen
On Air: Razali Ismail in centre, with the host and I. Yesterday when I was walking in the lobby of Parliament house, I saw the RTM producer, Azli, and I jokingly said to him that RTM has not invited me to attend their programme Selamat Pagi Malaysia. I then asked him to invite me to Selamat…
Soalan Parliment-Pembangunan Perindustrian HALAL di Setiap Negeri
PEMBERITAHUAN PERTANYAAN BAGI JAWAB LISAN DEWAN RAKYAT NO. SOALAN : 30 PERTANYAAN : LISAN DARIPADA : YB TERESA KOK SUH SIM (SEPUTEH) TARIKH : 19 OGOS 2008 (SELASA) SOALAN : Puan Teresa Kok Suh Sim (Seputeh) minta PERDANA MENTERI menyatakan perangkaan pertumbuhan pembangunan perindustrian HALAL di setiap negeri. Apakah langkah yang akan diambil oleh kementerian…
Soalan Parlimen-Langkah Kerajaan Utk Mengatasi Masalah Kekurangan Gas Perindustrian
PEMBERITAHUAN PERTANYAAN BAGI JAWAB LISAN DEWAN RAKYAT NO. SOALAN : 32 PERTANYAAN : LISAN DARIPADA : YB TERESA KOK SUH SIM (SEPUTEH) TARIKH : 18 OGOS 2008 (ISNIN) SOALAN : YB. Puan Teresa Kok Suh Sim (Seputeh) minta PERDANA MENTERI menyatakan sebab musabab Petronas Gas gagal membekalkan gas perindustrian yang cukup kepada syarikat perkilangan pelabur…
The Sun did not carry my statement, UNFAIR!
Dear friends, today when I read The Sun, I found that my press statement was not published at all, but Terence Fernandez’s article was published. He clarified that there was no such plan to rescind hillslope development. I received on Sunday afternoon a text message from Nadeswaran that he will publish my statement or letter to clarify the matter…
The Sun’s hillside policy reports are wrong
After reading the news report on the press conference by NGOs led by YB Edward Lee, the Bukit Gasing ADUN today, I decided to come out with this press statement to clarify the real position on the issue of hill slope development in Selangor. —————————— Press statement by Teresa Kok, Selangor state senior exco on 18th August…
Hill slope development: Rehda Selangor replies to The Sun
I received this commentary by email last night. I was told that Rehda Selangor has had a meeting after The Sun published that news report yesterday. When I read The Sun today, I found that the paper did not carry the response of Rehda Selangor but it published another article by Nadeswaran on hillslope development that whacked me…
Hill slope policy and The Sun’s mischievous heading
I was quite cheesed off yesterday when I read the front page report with the heading of “Hillslope Policy To Be Reversed?” piece published in The Sun dated 14th August 2008. The news report said that the developers association (Rehda) has lobbied Ronnie Liu and I to reverse the no-hillslope-development policy in Selangor, and the writers said both…