Tribute to DAP Parliamentary Leader, YB Lim Kit Siang, on The Occasion Of His 70th Birthday on 20.2.2011 by DAP National Organising Secretary and Selangor Senior Exco, Teresa Kok:- Someone from Barisan Nasional once described Kit Siang as a tragic hero, fighting for a lost cause. He was jailed twice under ISA and his own…
Chinese New Year at Taman Wawasan Puchong with residents of MPSJ JKP Zon 6
13 February 2011
Bersih 2.0 Public Forum with Election Commission
Come and join us for the Bersih 2.0 Public Forum with Election Commission. Title : Moving Forward with Electoral Reforms Panelist : Datuk Wira Wan Ahmad Wan Omar (Deputy Chairperson of Election Commission (SPR)) Dato’ Ambiga Sreenevasan (Chairperson of Coalition of Clean and Fair Election Steering Committee (Bersih 2.0)) Jasmine Ng (representative of Growing Emerging…
Prejudice and misinfo of Christianity reveals urgent need for constant frank inter-faith dialogue
Press statement by Teresa Kok, Selangor State Senior EXCO and Member of Parliament for Seputeh dated 12 February 2011 in Shah Alam. Siti Nor Bahyah’s and JAIS’ prejudice and misinformation of Christianity reveals urgent need for constant frank inter-faith dialogue JAIS’ and Siti Nor Bahyah’s positions that associated Valentine’s Day with immorality and Christianity are…
2011 Chinese New Year market walkabout
Went to two markets in my constituency Seputeh yesterday morning to wish the people. Gave out 30 boxes of mandarin oranges and my Chinese New Year cards. My Seputeh office also hired a lion dance troupe to perform at every stalls in the markets, wishing them “Sang Yi Heng Loong”
Questions for Parliament
Dear friends, I need to submit questions for the next session of parliament by Friday. Please help with some suggestions. Thank-you. 🙂
Najib Razak telah berbohong kepada Dewan Rakyat mengenai isterinya Rosmah Mansor
Kenyataan media oleh Teresa Kok, EXCO Kanan Kerajaan Negeri Selangor dan Ahli Parlimen Seputeh di Shah Alam pada 28 Januari 2011 Adanya Jabatan FLOM, atau “First Lady of Malaysia Division” di Pejabat Perdana Menteri membuktikan bahawa Najib Razak telah berbohong kepada Dewan Rakyat apabila beliau berkata bahawa Rosmah Mansor tiada kakitangan beliau sendiri, manakala Rosmah…
行动党呼吁外地选民回乡投票 质疑慕尤丁呛声蔡细历唱双簧 行动党呼吁外地选民回乡投票 质疑慕尤丁呛声蔡细历唱双簧 2011年1月25日 下午 4点56分 分享 18 民主行动党丁能州议席补选总指挥巫程豪(左图)吁请丁能选民重视手上的选票,呼朋唤友返乡为民联投下神圣的一票。 他说,投票日正好是华人农历新年前夕,所谓新春到,换新衣添新装,丁能人民代议士也换换民联的代表来做,肯定可带来新气象。 他表示,作为家长的,应召唤身在外地工作的孩子回来投票;孩子们回丁能投票后,即可与家人团聚庆新年。 巫程豪重申,丁能补选对国民来说深具意义,它对终结国阵霸权统治存在指标性的意义,因此丁能补选一票都不能少,更可藉此向国阵政府表达人民的意愿和心声。 他表示,尽管民联成员党各有不同理念,却拥有塑造清廉丶公正社会的共同执政目标;民联能否胜出,只有依靠选给予的支持才能扭团局势,他也希望丁能选民谨记“要换才会旺”。 选委会是采用截至2010年第三季为止的丁能州选区选民册,选民人数是1万4753人,另加18名邮寄选票。丁能选民结构分别为巫裔占47.54%丶华裔占39.08%丶印裔占12.07%,余者为其他族群。