PSD director-general clarifies confusion arising among SPM students that only students who obtained A+ in all subjects eligible. PUTRAJAYA: Students who scored at least 9A+ in the 2016 Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia (SPM) examination can apply for the Public Service Department (PSD) 9A+ Sponsorship Programme. PSD director-general Zainal Rahim Seman said students who qualify would be…
Last-minute change to PSD scholarship criteria upsetting
KUALA LUMPUR: An abrupt move by the Public Services Department to award full scholarships only to SPM students who get the A+ grade in all subjects taken, no matter how many, may have left many of them in a lurch. The decision, announced recently on the department’s Human Resource Development web portal called eSILA, is…
MP raps gov’t over tightening of PSD scholarship criteria
Seputeh MP Teresa Kok has ticked off the government for the tightening of conditions to qualify for scholarships by the Public Service Department (PSD). “Under the old programme, full sponsorship was given as long as an Malaysian Certificate of Education (SPM) student scored 9A+ and above. “Under the new programme, a new condition has been…
Call on the Cabinet to direct PSD to rescind the new condition imposed on scholarship for SPM scorers
According to the Public Service Department (PSD) esila portal, the Bursary Graduate Programme has been renamed as the National Sponsorship Programme. Under the old programme, full sponsorship was given as long as a SPM student scored 9A+ and above. Under the new programme, a new condition has been imposed whereby only those achieving A+ for…
Hwa Beng apologises to public after PKFZ scandal ends without culprit
KUALA LUMPUR, March 17 — Former Port Klang Authority (PKA) chairman Datuk Lee Hwa Beng today apologised for launching investigations into the Port Klang Free Zone (PKFZ) scandal that today concluded without a single conviction. Lee, who was sacked by MCA in 2013, lamented that he only ended up “wasting public resources” in trying to…
這是我今天刊登在東方日報的專欄稿,如果大家同意我的分析,請幫忙share,在FB,在what app都可以,就是要讓更多人明白,“騎馬殺雞”多麼重要。 换作你是马哈迪? 文/丘光耀博士 上周我写了“为何当前的马哈迪这麽重要?”一文,在面子书许多政论群组广为流传并引起热议,让那些鼓吹“投废票教训火箭”的键盘激进派气急败坏,他们无法反驳我的论述,唯有诉诸人身攻击;对于这类垃圾,恕我懒得应酬。 既然宏观的政治理论我讲过了,本篇就来个“换位思考”。请大家将心比心,换作你是92岁的马哈迪,你还会如此奋不顾身地和纳吉领导的巫统周旋到底吗? 凡重大的历史变迁,历史学家研究的关键点,不是抽象意义的“人”如何发挥作用,而是“人”(可以是复数plural的人们、单数singular的精英)在给定的历史条件(given historical conditions)下,如何发挥其能动性,突破社会结构的制约,做出得以改变历史和人们(包括自身)命运的选择。
Refusal to gazette KL City Plan 2020 is shocking
Refusal to gazette KL City Plan 2020 is shocking. KL will be further messed up and will become the most unplanned and congested city in the world ================================================= Kuala Lumpur mayor Datuk Seri Mohd Amin Nordin Abd Aziz has said that DBKL is not going to gazette KL City Plan 2020 but it will draft…
Jawapan Parlimen Berkenaan Lembaga Kelayakan Profesion Undang-Undang
TARIKH : 13 MAC 2017 SOALAN : YB Puan Teresa Kok Suh Sim [ Seputeh ] minta PERDANA MENTERI menyatakan rasional Lembaga Kelayakan Profesion Undang-Undang yang mengurangkan bilangan maksimum percubaan untuk Peperiksaan Sijil Amalan Guaman (Certificate of Legal Practice) daripada 8 kali percubaan kepada 4 kali percubaan bagi graduan kursus undang-undang yang perlu menduduki peperiksaan…