This morning my assistant Edmund, my two interns and I went to the Court of Appeal for my appeal against the High Court’s decision on my ISA detention in September 2008. I was detained under the ISA over the false accusation against me that I had opposed azan of a mosque in Bandar Kinrara. In…
No evidence produced against Teresa Kok, court told
PUTRAJAYA: Evidence pertaining to Seputeh MP Teresa Kok’s 2008 Internal Security Act (ISA) detention over allegations that she was involved in activities detrimental to public safety were not produced during the trial, the Court of Appeal heard on Wednesday.
Our hands barely touched, says Perkasa chief
I am amused to see Ibrahim Ali has to justify why he shook hand with us …..what is the big deal?!! —————————————————————————– Perkasa chief Ibrahim Ali was photographed shaking hands with DAP supremo Lim Kit Siang during the signing of the Citizens’ Declaration. Claiming that their hands barely touched, he said certain parties had blown…
Pemberitahuan pertanyaan Dewan Rakyat bagi isu kemasukan 1.5 juta pekerja Bangladesh
TARIKH : 10 MAC 2016 : Puan Teresa Kok Suh Sim [Seputeh] minta MENTERI DALAM NEGERI menyatakan daripada jumlah 1.5 juta pekerja Bangladesh yang akan dibawa masuk ke Malaysia, berapakah jumlah majikan yang memerlukan mereka, di sector-sektor manakah mereke akan ditempatkan, dan di negeri manakah mereka akan bekerja.
Pemberitahuan pertanyaan Dewan Rakyat bagi isu-isu melibatkan Petronas
TARIKH : 9 MAC 2016 Puan Teresa Kok Suh Sim [Seputeh] minta PERDANA MENTERI menyatakan kos pengeluaran minyak PETRONAS setiap tong pada Disember 2013,2014 dan 2015. Nyatakan pengeluaran minyak Petronas dan sumbangan cukai PETRONAS kepada Kerajaan Persekutuan pada tahun 2013, 2014 dan 2015.
Happy Women’s Day!
Opening of the 13th parliamentary sitting
Today is the opening of the parliament sitting. It started with the opening ceremony of the parliament at the Dataran Parliament by YDP Agong. I arrived prior to the arrival of PM. I sat behind former TPM, Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin. He sat next to Mahfuz. He looked so lonely, pity him. Last year he…
Fundraising dinner for Sarawak state elections
In the fundraising dinner for Sarawak state elections, I delivered a speech. In my speech I questioned whether the CM of Sarawak, Adenan Satem is a true reformist, and I also said “a vote for Adenan Satem is a vote for Najib”.