KUALA LUMPUR: The Institute for Democracy and Economic Affairs (Ideas), referring to the Penang Chief Minister’s corruption case, reminded Attorney-General (AG) Mohamed Apandi Ali that his own personal integrity and the integrity of the whole office of the Attorney- General Chambers (AGC) was being questioned by many observers. Ideas Chief Executive Officer Wan Saiful Wan…
Analysts: Guan Eng’s prosecution will make, not break DAP
KUALA LUMPUR, July 1 ― The corruption charges against Lim Guan Eng over his house purchase will strengthen national support for the DAP, especially in Penang, as pro-opposition voters perceive the prosecution to be a political attack, analysts said. Merdeka Center director Ibrahim Suffian said the charges against the Penang chief minister and DAP secretary-general…
No need to step down, Penang DAP tells Guan Eng
GEORGE TOWN: There is no need for Lim Guan Eng to step down as Penang Chief Minister as the corruption charge is merely a form of political persecution, Exco member Chow Kon Yeow said. The state DAP chairman explained that despite the two charges levelled at its secretary-general, the Penang DAP committee found Lim to…
Statement of Lim Guan Eng after he has been charged in court on 30 June 2016
The 2 charges against me under the Malaysian anti-corruption Commission Act (MACC) and Penal Code for corrupt practice is a clear act of political persecution motivated solely to destroy me as Penang Chief Minister. I had explained to MACC that the purchase of the bungalow from Ms Phang Li Koon is above-board, an arms-length transaction…
“Saya tidak akan hidup melutut”
Dua pertuduhan terhadap saya di bawah Akta Suruhanjaya Pencegahan Rasuah Malaysia dan Kanun Keseksaan atas dakwaan rasuah adalah tindakan penganiayaan politik yang dilaksanakan dengan tujuan menghancurkan saya sebagai Ketua Menteri Pulau Pinang. Saya telah menjelaskan kepada SPRM bahawa pembelian rumah daripada Cik Phang Li Koon adalah dilakukan dengan tulus hati, antara individu yang tidak mempunyai…
Solidarity with YAB Lim Guan Eng
I flew to Penang to support Lim Guan Eng who has been charged in court on two counts of corruption. He was arrested yesterday afternoon and has spent a night in MACC office in Penang. Today I got another shock to hear that the bail is RM1 million. This is madness!! This is is another…
Edaran Buah Kurma di Bazaar Ramadhan Sekitar Kawasan Parlimen Seputeh
Seperti bulan Ramadhan yang lepas, saya melawat pasar Ramadhan dan mengedarkan kurma kepada Muslimin dan Muslimat di pasar-pasar tersebut. Ramai orang Islam agak terkejut bila saya hulurkan kotak kurma kepada mereka, tapi mereka senyum dan terima kurma selepas itu. Ada penjaja yang ingin jemput saya minum dan makan tapi saya menolak kerana saya tak mahu…
Program Gawai dan Kaamatan di Gereja
Pada 26 Jun 2016, saya hadir program Gawai dan Kaamatan di Gereja Our Lady of Guadalupe di Puchong dan St Anthony’s Church di Pudu. Program perayaan ini diadakan selepas misa di kedua-dua gereja Katholik tersebut. Ia dihadiri oleh beberapa ratus penganut Kristian yang datang dari Sabah dan Sarawak. Kehadiran mereka menunjukkan semakin ramai warga…