I joined in the candlelight vigil in front of Bukit Aman for the EO6 detainees. Show your support for the release of the six detainees: http://goo.gl/lRoVm
MalaysiaKini reports on arrest of my 3 assistants
Holiday blues over Bersih T-shirt Joseph Sipalan Jul 18, 11 1:19pm It was to be a weekend trip for a group of four youths to Cameron Highlands to enjoy nature in all its splendour. The previous week had been hectic, what with the Bersih 2.0 rally and the numerous controversies that cropped up, so it…
DAP Forum: Is it time for a Dayak Reawakening?
Speakers: YB Lim Kit Siang (MP for Ipoh Timur) YB Wong Ho Leng (MP for Sibu, ADUN for Bukit Assek) Dr. John Brian (Deputy President of the Sarawak Dayak National Union – SDNU) YB Chiew Chin Sing (Kidurong ADUN) Venue: The KL Selangor Chinese Assembly Hall Date and Time: Monday, 18th of July,…
民主行动党全国组织秘书兼士布爹区国会议员郭素沁7月14日(星期四)在吉隆坡发表文告: 郭素沁呼吁内政部停止干预国内媒体运作以保障国内的新闻自由 (吉隆坡14日讯) 民主行动党士布爹区国会议员郭素沁呼吁内政部,勿将净选盟2.0於709成功举行大集会怪咎国内的中文媒体;同时,内政部应停止干预国内媒体的运作,以保障国内的新闻自由。 她针对内政部日前召见国内的中文报编辑一事,发表文告指出,国内中文报在709大集会前后,都作出相当均衡的报道。
(吉隆坡14日讯) 士布爹区国会议员郭素沁呼吁内政部勿将709净选盟大会的成功怪罪于国内的中文媒体,同时停止干预国内媒体的运作,以保障国内的新闻自由。 郭素沁是针对内政部昨日召见国内的中文报编辑发表文告。
Home Ministry, quit scapegoating the Chinese press for the successful Bersih rally
Press statement by Teresa Kok, Selangor Senior EXCO and Member of Parliament for Seputeh in Shah Alam on 14 July 2011 Home Ministry, quit scapegoating the Chinese press for the successful Bersih rally After having shot tear gas and water cannons to attack thousands of peaceful and unarmed Malaysians at the Bersih 2.0…
Walking for clean and fair elections
9th July is a historical day, many DAP leaders, DAP members and I joined thousands of fellow Malaysians to demand for a free and fair elections in Malaysia by joining the Bersih assembly in Kuala Lumpur. I have been strongly advised by a friend of mine not to attend the rally as I am on the list of 91 activists…
Hishammuddin, tarik balik larangan atas perkataan “Bersih” dan warna kuning
Kenyataan akhbar oleh Teresa Kok, Ahli Parlimen Seputeh dan Ahli Exco Kerajaan Negeri Selangor Pada 12 Julai 2011 di Shah Alam Hishammuddin Haruslah Menarik Balik Keputusan Yang Mengharamkan Bahan Cetakan Yang Mempunyai perkataan “Bersih” Dan Berwarna Kuning Selepas Perhimpunan Bersih Menteri Dalam Negeri Hishammuddin Hussein dan Polis DiRaja Malaysia (PDRM) telah membuat keputusan yang…