Press Statement by Teresa Kok, Selangor Senior State Exco and DAP National Organising Secretary, Shah Alam – 30 November 2011. The accusation made by UMNO information chief Datuk Ahmad Maslan that the DAP are “agents of Christianisation”, coupled with UMNO deputy president Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin’s allegation that DAP is out to turn Malaysia into…
Successful Health Screening Programme
The DAP Seputeh service centre successfully conducted a health programme on 26 November 2011. The programme consisted of a health talk by 2 doctors from the Taman Desa Medical Centre (TDMC) and a subsequent complimentary health screening. The talk covered issues on general health while focusing on particular diseases such as cancer. There were over…
Free Health Check 26/11/2011
Tidak perlu lobi, komisen untuk kelulusan projek: MB
Tan Sri Abdul Khalid Ibrahim menyampaikan cenderahati kepada Naib Presiden Sony Corporation, Tsugie Miyashita ketika melawat ibu pejabat di Tokyo, sambil diperhatikan YB Teresa Kok, Dato’ Mohd Jabar dan Dato’ Jaafar. KENYATAAN AKHBAR 23 NOV 2011 TIDAK PERLU LOBI, KOMISEN UNTUK KELULUSAN PROJEK : MB Pelabur dalam dan luar negara tidak perlu melobi atau…
Malaysian government mocks freedom of assembly and embarrasses the UN Human Rights Council with its membership
Press Statement by Teresa Kok, Member of Parliament for Seputeh, DAP National Organising Secretary, and Selangor Senior State Exco. Kuala Lumpur – 23 November 2011. The Peaceful Assembly Bill 2011, tabled by the Barisan Nasional government at the Dewan Rakyat on 22 November 2011, is a mockery to the basic tenets of rights and…
Ucapan saya di Konvensyen Tahunan DAP Selangor ke-16
Ucapan Teresa Kok, Pengerusi DAP Selangor Di Konvensyen DAP Selangor Di Dewan Serdang Raya Pada 20 November 2011 Selamat petang dan selamat sejahtera. Saya ingin mengucapkan terima kasih kepada saudara-saudari yang sudi menunjukkan komitment anda ke atas perjuangan DAP dengan meluangkan masa untuk menghadiri Konvensyen DAP Selangor pada hari ini. Ini juga kali pertama DAP…
My one and only official Facebook Page
It has been brought to my attention that an imposter is using my name and image in a Facebook Page and using it to pollute other pages with profanity and racial slurs. My one and only official Facebook Page is the one linked to the sidebar of this blog. ( )
Saya Hentam DBKL Atas Masalah Jalan Teruk di KL & Denda Saman Trafik Yg Meningkat & Terlalu Banyak Pasaraya
Many people in Kuala Lumpur thought that MP in KL can solve all problems in the city, they don’t understand that we have no say in the administration of DBKL and we have no power to direct DBKL officers to do work. Many roads in Seputeh constituency are so bad, numerous complaints made by my…