DAP will use the PAS symbol in Peninsular Malaysia and the PKR symbol in Sabah & Sarawak for the 13th general elections unless the Registrar of Societies (ROS)’s cowardly and dastardly attempt to assassinate the Rocket is withdrawn by revoking its 17 April 2013 letter. The letter did not recognise the office-bearers of the Central…
Five BN Selangor candidates alleged to have fake degrees
By Debra Chong The Malaysian Insider Apr 17, 2013 The DAP put the integrity of five Selangor Barisan Nasional (BN) election candidates under the microscope today after it accused the men, including a deputy minister, of having “bought” their high-level academic qualifications. The opposition party’s election strategist Ong Kian Ming named interim deputy foreign minister…
Married to politics
Translated by Dominic Loh My Sin Chew Apr 16, 2013 DAP Selangor chairman Teresa Kok’s romance has always been of tremendous interest among the public. “I am the rightful spokeswoman for bachelorship,” she told Sin Chew Daily during an exclusive interview. She said there are more and more unmarried women in Malaysia, and many think…
Battle For Malaysia: The Race Game
“Malaysia has practised racial politics for 51 years and we know it is divisive as each party only talks on behalf of the racial group it represents…” – Chang Ko Youn, Politician Teresa Kok discusses race-based politics and working on sustainable policies if PR were to win in the coming general election. BFM’s Melisa Idris…
Act like a proper ‘elder statesman’, Dr M told
By Debra Chong The Malaysian Insider Apr 9, 2013 Tun Dr Mahathir should quit his racial-baiting and act like a responsible elder statesman befitting his role as former prime minister in the run-up to Election 2013, political rival Lim Kit Siang advised today. The DAP’s Lim has been bearing the brunt of Dr Mahathir’s attacks…
PAS says will field non-Malays in GE13 despite difficulties
By Syed Jaymal Zahid The Malaysian Insider Apr 8, 2013 PAS today gave a committment that it will field non-Muslim candidates in Election 2013 despite saying that it faced difficulties finding suitable seats for them. Its president Datuk Seri Abdul Hadi Awang said today that seat allocations talks with its allies in Pakatan Rakyat (PR)…
‘Tunku Aziz’s claim completely outrageous’
By K Pragalath Free Malaysia Today Apr 8, 2013 Election reform watchdog Bersih 2.0 co-chairman S Ambiga said that the claim that watchdog being Opposition Leader Anwar Ibrahim’s global fundraising vehicle is outrageous and is not substantiated with evidence. “The claim is completely outrageous. Tunku Abdul Aziz Ibrahim, being the former leader of Transparency International-Malaysia,…
Ini Kalilah, Sama-Sama Kita Ubah di Sabah
Pagi ini(4/4/2013), saya terbang ke Kota Kinabalu, Sabah. Selepas tiba di KK, saya dibawa untuk hadir dialog dan makan tengahari dengan para paderi. Saya menerangkan kepentingan untuk mengadakan “check and balance” dalam politik negara kita demi memastikan orang politik tidak jadi korup. Kemudian saya dibawa ke Star City Convention Hall di KK untuk sesi ceramah….