KUALA LUMPUR, July 7 — Malaysian Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak, under fire for claims that US$700 million (RM2.6 billion) in funds ended up in his personal accounts, may yet weather the political storm with the help of an opposition in disarray. The crisis is the biggest to engulf Najib since he came to…
Malaysia’s PM Najib Hangs On
Malaysia appears almost in a state of suspended animation – on the surface – over allegations on July 3 by the Wall Street Journal and Sarawak Report that the state-backed investment fund 1Malaysia Development Bhd had directed nearly US$700 million into Prime Minister Najib Razak’s personal accounts prior to the 2013 election. “We have never…
Umno showed no respect for Iban community in Masai ruckus, says Guan Eng
The DAP today said Umno has shown that it has no respect for the Iban community, following the ruckus at a DAP event, attended by Gelang Patah MP Lim Kit Siang in Masai, Johor yesterday. Party secretary-general Lim Guan Eng said the incident at the Iban-owned coffee shop might become an issue in Barisan Nasional-ruled…
Call on Umno President and the Police to take swift and stern actions against political gangsters
Yesterday’s violent incident at the DAP kopitiam talk in Masai, Johor was most disgraceful and must be condemned by all political parties and all right thinking Malaysians. DAP Parliamentary leader Lim Kit Siang who was unhurt had said that bowls, plates, and punches were aimed at the DAP entourage. Even a broom was thrown at…
Kit Siang says Kopitiam mob first in his near 50-year political career
The attack by a group of thugs at a kopitiam in Masai, Johor today was the first violent incident DAP veteran leader Lim Kit Siang had faced in his political career spanning almost half a century. “It was very disgraceful for this to happen during the Ramadan month,” Lim told The Malaysian Insider. It was…
Sambutan Hari Gawai & Kaamatan di Gereja Divine Mercy Shah Alam
Petang ini saya hadir sambutan Gawai dan Kaamatan di Church of Divine Mercy di Shah Alam. Ramai anak negeri Sabah dan Sarawak berpakaian kostum tempat berasal mereka masing-masing. Dalam majlis pembukaan, saya dijemput potong kek bersama dengan Father Simon Labrooy dan Father Justin Joannes dari Sabah. Kek itu adalah menyambut ulangtahun ke-17 Father Simon menyahut…
Kula: Ridhuan Tee needs a ‘mental check-up’
IPOH: The Opposition thinks that controversial preacher and university lecturer, Ridhuan Tee Abdullah, needs a “mental check-up” for challenging non-Muslims in a recent column to enter a church or temple in their underwear only. Ipoh Barat MP M. Kula Segaran, commenting on the offensive column, said Tee had again become a laughing stock in the…
Progresive MPs to meet in Parliament on Tuesday on “Quo Vadis Malaysia with a Prime Minister accused of embezzlement not only by Wall Street Journal but by government probe”
For the past two days, the Wall Street Journal (WSJ) report yesterday that Malaysian investigators have found almost US$700 million (RM2.6 billion) of 1MDB’s funds have been deposited into Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak’s personal bank accounts have shaken the Malaysian body politics to its very core. Overnight, Malaysian politics underwent a sea-change and…