转载自中国报 (吉隆坡19日訊)華裔男子被警方以涉嫌持械打搶罪名扣留,更被威逼認罪,男子不妥協,在短短7小時先后被帶往4間警察局盤問,期間3輪被毆打逾百次。 更甚的是,當男子事后被帶上推事庭,要求到醫院檢驗並獲得推事許可,警員反不滿他向推事申訴,換來另一輪恐怖的拳打腳踢經歷,令男子痛不欲生,以為會送命
Cops ‘BEAT’ Welder Beyond Recognition
Malaysiakini Yoges Palaniappan & Bede Hong Jul 19, 07 5:01pm Even his three-year-old daughter could not recognise him since the swelling had completely disfigured his face. This is the horrifying ordeal which 39-year-old welder Tong Ket Ming endured after being allegedly beaten blue and black by the police while under remand。
People’s Convention
The Coalition for Clean and Fair Elections (BERSIH) cordially invites you to its People’s Convention at the KL & Selangor Chinese Assembly Hall on Friday, 20 July 2007, at 8:30pm. The evening’s programme will include speeches by 7 NGO leaders and the leaders of 4 political parties. The speakers are: 1. Syed Shahir (MTUC) 2….
Chew Mei Fun Should Improve Her Political Analysis
Today’s edition of the Kwong Wah Daily, Pg D3, carried MCA Wanita Selangor Chief Chew Mei Fun’s speech at the MCA Selangor Assembly on Sunday. She criticised Anwar Ibrahim for playing the role of Emperess Chi Xi in the Ching Dynasty, because Anwar has said he is the real President of the party. Chew said…
Rocket girl meets Rocketmen
Ihave the chance to meet with two Malaysian astronauts two weeks ago at the Parliament lounge, i.e. Dr Sheikh Muszaphar and Faiz Khaleed. They were brought in by who has hardly came to Parliament. He traveled to many parts of the world most of the time. This is the second time he brought the two…
Backbenchers slaughter cows, chicken
Today is the last day Parliment is sitting for the June-July session. There are many interesting things planned for today, including dinner organised by BN Backbenchers for Pak Lah and his newly wed wife. The preparation for the dinner upset alot of people because it involved the live slaughter of two cows and ten goats….
Pertanyaan Peratusan Pengagihan Anggota Polis
PERTANYAAN : BUKAN JAWAB LISAN DARIPADA : PUAN TERESA KOK SUH SIM [ SEPUTEH ] TARIKH : RUJUKAN : 605 Soalan : Puan Teresa Kok Suh Sim [ Seputeh ] minta MENTERI KESELAMATAN DALAM NEGERI menyatakan peratusan pengagihan anggota polis mengikut cawangan seperti jenayah perdagangan , logistik, narkotik, cawangan khas, ketenteraman awam / keselamatan dalam…
下议院在本周通过固体废料及公共清洁管理法案和固体废料及公共清洁管理公司法案。在通过这两条法案后,房屋及地方政府部通过一个管理机构,正式接管马来半岛和纳闽各大城小镇的垃圾收拾和公共清洁服务。 在这两条法令底下,房屋及地方政府部和有关机构将能有权制定有关垃圾的处理的条规,包括要那些抛多垃圾者缴付额外费用和推动公众进行垃圾再循环等。部长说,有鉴于固体废料及公共清洁管理公司辖属该部门,将来国会议员将可把垃圾的问题带进国会辩论;不像现在,国内数家垃圾收拾公司与个别的州政府和地方政府交涉,国内固体废料的问题完全在他掌控之外。 一般民众对公共服务私营化的做法分外敏感。因此,对普罗大众来说,他们最关心的不是这两条法案将如何改善国内的垃圾处理问题,而是在这两条法案通过以后,他们会不会又被逼缴付额外的收费。