GEORGE TOWN: Pembangkang tidak berpeluang memenangi pilihan raya umum akan datang sekiranya PAS meneruskan agenda perikatan baharu, kata Pengarah Institut Kajian Etnik Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM). Datuk Prof Shamsul Amri Baharuddin berkata perikatan itu hanya akan menyebabkan pertandingan pelbagai penjuru dan menjadikan formula mampu menang 1 lawan 1 sia-sia. “Kewujudkan blok ketiga menjadikan formula itu…
Apa UMNO buat kepada Orang Asli setelah 60 tahun merdeka?
GUA MUSANG, 12 DIS: Komuniti peribumi negara ini berhadapan dengan dilema yang melibatkan pemusnahan hutan akibat pembalakan berleluasa oleh pihak-pihak tertentu, malah keadaannya semakin buruk. Pemusnahan hutan itu secara langsung menyebabkan kehidupan dan sumber utama bagi komuniti Orang Asli terjejas. Persoalannya, apakah yang telah dilakukan kerajaan UMNO dalam membela masyarakat dan keberlangsungan kehidupan sekitar hampir…
Harith Iskander wins Funniest Person in the World competition
PETALING JAYA: Malaysian comedian Harith Iskander (pic) is the funniest person in the world after emerging triumphant in the finals of the Funniest Person in the World competition held in Levi, Finland on Saturday He beat out four finalists – Alex Calleja from The Philippines, Katerina Vrana from Greece, Mino van Nassau from India and…
PAS keliru untuk buat pilihan, kata Dr Mahathir
SHAH ALAM: Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad menyifatkan PAS berhadapan kekeliruan dalam memperjuangkan wadah politiknya. Penasihat Parti Pribumi Bersatu Malaysia (PPBM) itu berkata, ia berikutan keengganan PAS bekerjasama dengan gabungan pembangkang lain seperti DAP dan Amanah. “PAS sedikit keliru.Pada masa ini mereka sebahagian daripada kerajaan Selangor yang ada DAP. Pada masa sama, mereka tak mahu bersama…
Menghadiri Konvensyen Nasional Parti Amanah Negara
Pagi ini saya hadir Konvensyen Amanah di shah alam cinvention Centre. Ini merupakan ulangtahun Amanah yang pertama. Tetamu Konvensyen ini termasuk Tun Mahathir dan isterinya, LKS, Maria Chin Abdullah, Kamaruddin Jaafar dan lain. Tahniah kepada pimpinan Amanah kerana berjaya mengembangkan partinya. Semoga perjuangan kita di bawah Pakatan Harapan dapat membawa reformasi dan transformasi kepada negara…
1. The MCA President has expressed his disgust at what he calls the lack of principle on the part of DAP. 2. He seems to think that DAP’s working together with me is all wrong. 3. But MCA’s working together with a known kleptocrat who has stolen billions of Ringgit is the worst example of…
“We want to show Myanmar and tell Aung San Suu Kyi (Myanmar’s de facto leader) that enough is enough,” he had said. At the Yangon protest yesterday, Ko Naung Naung Oo, who is the general secretary of the Myanmar Nationalist Network, called for Najib not to “stand for terrorists”. “The Malaysian prime minister is pressuring the Myanmar government. I would like to tell the Malaysian prime minister, don’t stand for terrorists. You must know the correct history of Myanmar. I would like to announce to the world that there are 135 Myanmar ethnic groups and there is no Rohingya,” he was quoted as saying. Meanwhile, a letter sent to Myanmar Times by U Wirathu, a prominent monk who is a member of Buddhist nationalist organisation, Ma Ba Tha, also lashed out at “Muslim countries” for bullying Myanmar. “The unfair fact is Muslim countries are using a lot of money and unfair techniques and bullying Myanmar to make the world become a Muslim world,” Wirathu wrote from his base in Mandalay, according to the Myanmar Times. In a separate development, the Myanmar government said it would issue an official response objecting to Najib’s participation in the KL protest yesterday. “Asean countries should respect the actions of Myanmar on the Rakhine state issue. “The new government is working on a solution to this issue. And I want to say again that the Malaysian government should respect the Asean charter,” the deputy director general of the President’s Office, U Zaw Htay, told Myanmar Times. He also accused Najib of trying to stoke religious extremism as well as playing to the gallery for popular votes in view of the general election that is expected to be held soon in Malaysia
KUALA LUMPUR: The son of a former inspector-general of police today lodged a police report against Malaysiakini’s founder for allegedly receiving funds from George Soros’ Open Society Foundations (OSF). Abdul Rahman Mohd Hanif Omar, who is an ex-Royal Malaysian Air Force officer, also asked the police to investigate the portal for “activities detrimental to parliamentary…
马华应对统考文凭 向首相设下承认的期限 (吉隆坡8日讯)行动党全国副主席郭素沁呼吁马华对政府承认统考课题上向首相设下期限,而不是任由巫统拖着游花园,没完没了。 也是士布爹区国会议员的郭素沁说,承认统考文凭虽然由首相做出最后定夺, 但是马华在这课题上应该展现强硬的立场,让首相了解马华对争取承认统考的决心及底线。 她今天在一篇文告中,针对副教育部长张盛闻发表“ 在承认统考文凭课题上坦诚无法设期限,一切由首相做最后定夺” 之言论,做出回应。 她说,在砂州州选时,张盛闻说承认统考文凭是“只欠东风”,过后又指承认统考文凭已达“最后一里路”。 但是时间证明他只是自讲自爽、空雷不雨。 “也许之前张氏新官上任,为了讨好华社而随口发言。现在看来他可能无法兑现承诺。” 马华针对承认统考文凭的课题, 已谈了好多年,现在是向首相设定宣布政府承认统考文凭期限的时候,以恢复华社对马华的承诺的信心。