At least 13 people mourning the demise of democracy in Perak were arrested during a vigil in front of my Seputeh office tonight. Those arrested included Serdang MP Teo Nie Ching and Teratai state assembly member Jenice Lee, both from the DAP, and are being taken to the Brickfield Police Station. The police have come…
Knock, knock 5
Teresa Kok hears knock, knock. “Who’s there?…”MB!”…”MB who?”…”Am busy politiking” ;p
MPs Gallivanting Overseas as Ambassadors?
Press statement by Teresa Kok, MP for Seputeh and Organising Secretary of DAP On 16th May 2009 at Kuala Lumpur Members of Parliament Should Not Be Appointed as Ambassadors I am surprised to read that two former Cabinet Ministers, namely YB Dato Seri Ong Ka Chuan and Dato’ Jamaluddin Jarjis are likely to be…
MCA & Gerakan: Withdraw Or Wither!
Press Statement By Teresa Kok, MP for Seputeh and National Organising Secretary of DAP On 16th May 2009 (Saturday) at Kuala Lumpur If MCA and Gerakan Are Serious About Dissolving The Perak State Assembly, They Should Withdraw From Barisan Nasional As Their Stand On This Issue Has Not Been Taken Seriously By UMNO It is…
Knock, knock (4)
Teresa Kok reads news “Zambry assures investors” and hears knock, knock. “Who’s there?…”Nga”…”Nga who?”…”Nga choy kai economy la”
“From May 13 to 1Malaysia” Forum on LIVE now.
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Knock, knock (2)
Teresa Kok hears knock, knock. “Who’s there?”…”Mandela!”…”Mandela who?…”Monday no more MB lah” 🙂
Knock, knock
Teresa Kok hears knock, knock. “Who’s there?”….”Zambry!”…”Zambry who?”…”Zambry who used to be MB” ================== Teresa Kok hears knock, knock. “Who’s there?”…”Gandhi”….”Gandhi who?”…”MB ganti Perak” (These were my facebook status messages of the day ;p)