Three days ago, Menteri Besar Khalid Ibrahim, EXCO Elizabeth Wong, EXCO Ronnie Liu (with the Santa beard) and I paid a special visit to i-City to view their spectacular white Christmas display, and lend our Selangor State government’s support to their efforts to promote i-City and the city of Shah Alam as a commercial hub….
The Star, “It’s a digital white Xmas at I-City”, 21 December 2009
Monday December 21, 2009 It’s a digital white Xmas at I-City By THO XIN YI Photo by RAYMOND OOI WITH “snowflakes” covering the ground, the White Winter Wonderland at I-City in Shah Alam has been turned into a playground for the children. There was no real, snow, nevertheless, the children had a fun time throwing…
Lodged police report on threatening SMS
Yesterday morning, I lodged a police report of criminal defamation to report a threatening SMS which I received from phone number 014-282800 on 22 December 2009. It began when on 20 December 2009, I received the following SMS from 0142282800: “Goodevening YB,Here m N.Sevanesan YDP PIBG SJK (T) CASTLEFIELD PUCHONG support 200 bags kempen BACK…
Teresa : Lupus Dakwat Kekal Bukti Pembaziran Kerajaan Pusat
Teresa : Lupus Dakwat Kekal Bukti Pembaziran Kerajaan Pusat Rabu, 23 Disember 2009 | Ruangan: Berita SHAH ALAM, 23 Disember – Gabungan Pilihanraya Bersih dan Adil (Bersih) menyifatkan tindakan kerajaan pusat yang melupuskan dakwat kekal sebagai satu pembaziran. Ahli Jawatankuasanya yang juga Exco Selangor, Teresa Kok berkata, ia sekaligus menunjukkan Suruhanjaya Pilihanraya (SPR) lemah…
Wishing you a very Merry Christmas
May your Christmas be filled with love, peace and joy. For those who will balik kampung or go traveling this season, I wish you a safe journey and a safe return.
Wishing you and your family a blessed winter solstice
Picture from The Star To all who celebrate winter solstice or dong zhi, I wish you many blessings. Hope you are enjoying delicious tong yuen together with your family tonight!
被誤陪酒遭扣5天‧中國女獲釋沒戴胸罩 2009-12-17 19:14 (吉隆坡)中國籍保險女經紀申訴,她在旅馬期間,與友人在一家酒吧喝酒聊天時,遭警方誤為是陪酒女郎而被扣留長達5天5夜。她在扣留期間,以50令吉電話增值卡與一名女警員換取撥電話的機會,才成功向友人求救及獲釋。 獲釋時,警方聲稱她原來穿著的黑色T恤、牛仔褲、胸罩及高跟鞋已經不見,所以只給她換上男性白色T恤、牛仔褲,沒有胸罩就離開,讓她非常尷尬。 衣鞋不見換男性衣 現年41歲的馬延紅是於11月20日抵馬觀光。12月10日晚上11時30分,她與朋友到阿羅街一家酒吧喝酒聊天時,突然有警員進行取締行動。“當時,警員允許馬來西亞人離開,卻要我們外國人繼續留在那裡。我和朋友都向警員解釋,我們有簽證及護照,但他就是不聽,之後還把我們帶到富都警局。” 約凌晨3時,馬延紅和友人被扣留在金馬警局,直到上午8時30分,她們被帶到武加里爾警局。馬延紅聲稱,當時警員以手拷扣押她們。 她說,警方較後要她交出身上的所有財物,包括手錶、兩架手機、戒指、330令吉現金、住家鑰匙及項鍊。之後就讓她們換上扣留犯的服飾。
Watch my live interview via right now
My interview is being streamed online right this minute at SMS your questions to TV Selangor at 012-3442524. I look forward to hear from you.