By Clara Chooi June 21, 2011 Teresa Kok had asked the prime minister to reveal the number and value of development projects announced by all ministries in the two-month period before the polls and during the 10-day campaign period. — file pic KUALA LUMPUR, June 21 — Putrajaya revealed today that it had announced projects…
Bila kerajaan akan mengenakan gaji minimum di Malaysia?
SOALAN NO. 14 PEMBERITAHUAN PERTANYAAN DEWAN RAKYAT PERTANYAAN : LISAN DARIPADA : YB PUAN TERESA KOK SUH SIM TARIKH : 22 JUN 2011 SOALAN : PUAN TERESA KOK SUH SIM (SEPUTEH) minta MENTERI SUMBER MANUSIA menyatakan kenapakah gaji minimum ditetapkan bagi pengawal keselamatan sahaja tetapi bukan bagi…
Transparency: Support For Bersih 2.0’s Call For Clean, Free And Fair Elections
Transparency International Malaysia (TI-M) strongly supports the call by the civil society organisation Bersih 2.0 for Clean, Free and Fair elections in Malaysia, as should all members of the public and civil society, regardless of political affiliation. Election results must truly reflect the wishes of the people. The fight against corruption in any country begins…
MalaysianYouth4Change: Video 1 – Dear Mommy & Daddy, What’s my future?
A story of a young lady asking her parents what’s in store for her in Malaysia, and urging them to change for her sake. Please share this video with your friends and family.
KDN nafi meluluskan Perkasa untuk merekrut anggota RELA sebagai ahlinya
Pemberitahuan Pertanyaan bagi Jawab Lisan Dewan Rakyat Pertanyaan: Lisan Daripada: Pn Teresa Kok Suh Sim [ Seputeh ] Tarikh: 23 Jun 2011 Rujukan: 3780 Soalan: Puan Teresa Kok Suh Sim [ Seputeh ] minta MENTERI DALAM NEGERI menyatakan sebab Kementerian meluluskan cadangan PERKASA untuk rekrut anggota RELA sebagai ahlinya. Apakah ini menunjukkan pengiktirafan Kerajaan terhadap…
Why minimum wage only for security guards, and not other workers?
Thursday June 23, 2011 Security guards’ minimum wage based on commission of inquiry report THE minimum wage for security guards was determined following the setting up of a commission of inquiry on the terms of employment for these workers, Human Resources Minister Datuk Seri Dr S. Subramaniam said. The commission’s report, which was submitted to…
KENYATAAN AKHBAR 21 JUN 2011 MCA, FAHAM DULU UNDANG-UNDANG TANAH NEGERI. Tindakan MCA yang tiba-tiba bersuara lantang baru-baru ini bukan sesuatu yang mengejutkan. Ia merupakan tindakan biasa bagi parti politik yang telah hilang punca. Justeru, tindakan mereka dilihat semata-mata cuba menunjukkan parti itu masih relevan selepas menerima tamparan hebat dalam Pilihan Raya Umum ke-12 yang…
MP vows to rekindle school issue
Tashny Sukumaran | June 18, 2011 A school building has been left abandoned for years, and the authorities pass the buck on who is responsible. KUALA LUMPUR: Selangor exco and Seputeh MP Teresa Kok has promised to bring up the issue of an abandoned school building SK Danau Desa in Parliament for the second time…