KUCHING: Parts of the helicopter which went missing enroute to Kuching yesterday have been found, Prime Minister Najib Razak announced today. He told a press conference at the Department of Civil Aviation (DCA) in Kuching that he received the information about the discovery about 9.50am today. The debris comprise a rotor blade, a floatation…
Citizen Declaration Signature Campaign at OUG
Today I took a few party members to do signature campaign on Citizen’s Declaration at the OUG night market in my constituency. For those who expressed interest to sign the declaration, I guided them to fill the form by asking them to write down their names and IC numbers in the forms. When I asked…
CFM: Adenan shouldn’t have had to intervene in Sarawak NRD case
KUALA LUMPUR, May 5 — The Sarawak chief minister need not have stopped the National Registration Department’s bid to keep to a man from renouncing Islam if the agency had respected the constitution, said the Christian Federation of Malaysia (CFM). Noting that the decision stemmed from the ongoing Sarawak election, the federation said it was…
PAS president’s remark reveal prejudice against non-Muslims, says DAP
KUALA LUMPUR, May 5 — Datuk Seri Abdul Hadi Awang’s claim that only a Muslim Bumiputera can govern Sarawak revealed the PAS president’s bias against other communities, DAP said today. DAP secretary-general Lim Guan Eng also accused Hadi of presenting a straw man by claiming that the DAP wanted a Chinese leader to govern the…
Fever? Get Cured!
Najib to be stripped of veto power over 1MDB’s decisions
Malaysia’s Finance Ministry has taken up the recommendations put forward by a parliamentary committee probe into troubled 1Malaysia Development Berhad (1MDB), including the removal of Prime Minister Najib Razak’s veto power over major decisions by the state investor. The ministry, which wholly owns 1MDB, yesterday also accepted the resignation of 1MDB’s six-member board of directors…
False declaration case against Guan Eng’s ex-landlord closed
KUALA LUMPUR, May 4 — The Attorney-General’s Chambers will not pursue charges of making a false declaration against the woman who sold her house to Lim Guan Eng, Penang police said today. According to Penang police chief Abdul Ghafar Rajab, deputy public prosecutors decided that the case required no further action several days ago. When…
Just as DAP took 24 years before trying to go for power in Penang State, Sarawak DAP is ready to go for power to form Sarawak State Government in 2021 if DAP Sarawak makes headway in May 7 polls
DAP took 24 years before trying to go for power in Penang State to form the Penang State Government. DAP was formed in 1966, and the first time DAP declared its intention to form the Penang State Government was in the 1990 General Election when I led the campaign of “Tanjong 2” to go for…