Permohanan bubar Umno: Tarikh bicara Khamis, 26 April
Mahkamah Tinggi Kuala Lumpur hari ini menetapkan Khamis, 26 April ini sebagai tarikh mendengar permohonan 16 anggota Umno yang memfailkan untuk kebenaran semakan kehakiman bagi membatalkan keputusan Jabatan Pendaftaran Pertubuhan (ROS) yang membenarkan Umno lanjutan masa untuk mengadakan pemilihan parti di semua peringkat. Permohonan untuk kebenaran itu akan didengar di hadapan Hakim Datuk Wira Kamaludin…
2018 CNY video clip — Tahun Baru Penuh Harapan 郭素沁 2018 新年贺岁片 “新年一定到”
民主行动党副秘书长暨士布爹区国会议员郭素沁4-12-2017(星期一)发表文告: 政府拨给拉曼大学学院的教育拨款由6千万减至3千万,马华也称功劳? 民主行动党副秘书长郭素沁谴责教育部副部长张盛闻,不但不敢检讨政府几乎把拉曼大学学院拨款弄丢,同时也无法交代为何拨款从原有的6000万令吉减半成为3000万令吉。他动用舆论把矛头指向行动党秘书长林冠英,是为了转移公众对他失责的视线。 她说,拉曼学院在2013年升格为大学学院时,曾与政府达成协议,把过去政府一元对一元的资助方式,转换成通过高教部行政管理开销的项目(Butiran 010000),即每年资助拉曼大学6000万令吉。 郭素沁表示,民主行动党亚沙区国会议员张聒翔是在上个星期,发现这自2015年以来就列在财政预算案的拨款项目,竟然消失无踪,才召开记者会揭发此事。两天后,高教部才回应该项拨款已经转换至2018年财政预算案的国内拨款(0S4200)及高教领域管理(04000),但是该项目并没有注明是给拉曼大学学院,而且只剩下3000万令吉。 “当行动党揭发马华办事不力,连自家开办的大学学院的拨款都几乎弄丢时,张盛闻竟然恶人先告状指林冠英抢功劳。张盛闻拿不足政府拨款还敢自居功劳,他本人才是真正的低级政客。”
Can anyone explain klia2’s service charge hike?
Wao! We have to pay RM73 as airport tax for trip out of ASEAN region starting January 2018? That’s too much!😡 =============================== THOSE travelling to international destinations beyond Asean countries from the Kuala Lumpur International Airport 2 (klia2) terminal will have to pay the same passenger service charge (PSC) of RM73 as other airports from January…
Khalid says ready to work with Umno, PAS in GE14
I find Tan Sri Khalid’s statement interesting. If UMNO contests against PAS in a same constituency, or if there is a UMNO, PAS & PH three-corner-fight in a constituency, will he help UMNO or PAS? 😬 ====================================== Former Selangor menteri besar Abdul Khalid Ibrahim today announced his readiness to work together with both Umno and PAS…
Putrajaya: Freedom of religion does not equal freedom from religion
KUALA LUMPUR, Nov 23 ― A deputy minister today claimed that atheism is a “very dangerous” ideology that goes against not only the Rukunegara that prescribes “believe in God” as one of the tenets, but also the Federal Constitution. Deputy Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department Datuk Asyraf Wajdi Dusuki alleged that the freedom of…
An evening at the Parliament’s MPs’ lounge
After the episode of calling for division or vote counting after the debate of the Ministry of Domestic Trade on 20 January, Monday, many BN MPs and cabinet ministers are showing up in parliament lounge or inside the chamber now.