I knew Koh since campus days, I went up to shake his hand, and I pointed at Syed Hamid and told him that “this is the man who put me under the ISA”.
Chinese vote may decide KT poll winner
One was a well-attended dinner on Tuesday evening with DAP supremo Lim Kit Siang, Raja Petra, Kok and other opposition leaders. Five hundred people turned up, paying RM30 each for the event.
A few hundred others stood outside the hall to listen to the speeches.
Snippets of my suit against Khir Toyo
Hi, everyone, Happy New Year to you all. You might be wondering why I disappeared from cyberspace, ya, I was away. I led a investment promotion delegation to Taiwan for a week, after that, I went for a short holiday in China, and I just came back yesterday. I am now arranging some pix of…
Home Ministry hijacks Allah decision
I am shocked the Home Ministry has ordered the Herald, a Catholic weekly, to cease publication of its Bahasa Malaysia version until the court decides its move to seek a declaratory relief that it is entitled to use the word “Allah”. The Home Ministry is greatly unjust, unfair and unreasonable, particularly to the many Christians…
Merry Christmas :-)
2008 has been a very ‘happening’ year for all of us, the highlight being we gave the BN a bloody nose and a black eye on March 8. That was so cool. Haha 🙂 Let’s work together to make 2009 a better year for everyone despite the recession. My family and I wish those who…
I filed Suit On “Politik Baru YB J”
From left to right: Seputeh DAP Secretary Mr KY Khong, Me, lawyer Sankara Nair and Mr Yap Chai Huat (my Seputeh service center assistant). Today, I filed a suit against Utusan Malaysia & writer of the article “Politik Baru YB J”, Chamil Wariya. The news reports below are self-explanatory. ———– Kok sues Utusan, Chamil Wariya…
On this day in DAP history – a tribute to Dr. Chen Man Hin
On 11 December 1965 then-DAP pro-tem Chairman Dr. Chen Man Hin contested in the Rahang (Negri Sembilan) state seat by-election. He defeated the Alliance and Socialist Front candidates with a majority of 1538 votes. As DAP was still pending registration as a political party, Dr. Chen contested as an independent using the plum blossom symbol….
Human Rights Awards to HINDRAF & Penans
This year’s Suaram Human Rights Awards go to HINDRAF (Hindu Rights Action Force) and the Penans of Ulu Baram, Sarawak. SUARAM’s Malaysia Civil and Political Rights Report 2008 shows we are a long way from being truly democratic and free. HINDRAF had, within a short period of time, captivated, mobilised, and empowered vast numbers of…