As announced earlier, my office organised a public talk on “Knowing the ASEAN Market and Industrial Master Plan 3″ last Wednesday. The speaker was Ir Rocky Wong from Institute of Engineers Malaysia, who has a longstanding interest in Malaysia’s political economy. He is a strong proponent of liberalisation because he believes it is an inevitable…
Promoting Selangor as a destination for the biotechnology industry
Two weeks ago, I met with the CEO and COO of Biotech Corp Malaysia to learn more about about how this government-linked company functions to promote the biotech industry in Malaysia, what incentives are offered and how Selangor State Government can work with Biotech Corp to promote Selangor as a destination for investment in this…
“New Approaches to Business & Investment in an Uncertain Economic Environment” training programme
Here are more photos of the training programme organised by my office 2 weeks ago which I had already blogged about here. Sitting beside me is S Ramakrishna from DAP, then MBPJ councillor, who was sworn in as Senator last Wednesday. Participants of the training gave very good feedback at the end of the training…
Jawapan Parlimen Mengenai Perkuburan di Putrajaya
Pertanyaan: Bukan Lisan Daripada: YB Puan Teresa Kok Suh Sim (Seputeh) Soalan: YB Puan Teresa Kok Suh Sim (Seputeh) minta Menteri Wilayah Persekutuan Dan Kesejahteraan Bandar menyatakan: a) Berapakah keluasan tanah perkuburan di Putrjaya dan apakah pecahannya mengikut agama; dan b) Pihak manakah yang telah diberikan kuasa untuk menyelenggarakan perkuburan bukan Islam di Putrajaya. Jawapan:…
Majlis Khatan Perdana & Khatam Al-Quran di Masjid As-Salam, Puchong
Pada Sabtu yang lalu, saya menghadiri majlis khatan dan berkhatam Al-Quran di Masjid As Salam di Puchong. Lebih kurang 100 orang budak lelaki menyertai majlis berkhatan ini. Saya mengambil kesempatan bergambar bersama dengan mereka di hadapan bangunan masjid. Saya telah dijemput untuk memberi sepatah dua kata sebelum majlis berkhatan diadakan.Yang sedang duduk di belakang saya…
Majlis Berkhatan di Sg Plong (22-11-09)
Bulan Disember ialah bulan berkhatan. Pada bulan lepas, Jawatankuasa DUN Paya Jaras menjemput saya menghadiri majlis berkhatan di Sg Plong. Mereka menghendaki saya hadir kerana mereka kata mereka tak pernah lihat pemimpin politik Cina menghadiri majlis berkhatan di kampong mereka. Dengan kata-kata ini, saya pun terpanggil untuk menghadiri majlis berkhatan di tempat tersebut, khususnya inilah kali…
Talk on “Knowing the ASEAN Market and Industrial Master Plan 3”
My office is organising this talk by the very knowledgeable and well-experienced Rocky Wong. I invite you to come for this talk for us to discuss where Malaysia’s economy stands in relation to other ASEAN member countries, as well as what strategies and policies Malaysia needs to implement to be more competitive in the face…
Encouraging small and medium businesses as a way to boost personal income
Last Saturday and Sunday, my office organised a 2-day training programme called “New Approaches to Business & Investment in an Uncertain Economic Environment” to equip people with the skills to face the economic challenges of today and be more financially independent and self-motivated. We had it at Hotel Armada in PJ. We arranged for professionals,…