The Malaysian government has paid lavishly in the past for Washington ‘swamp dwellers’ to purchase influence and disparage its opponents and critics says Paul Wolfowitz, former US deputy secretary of defence. KUALA LUMPUR: Malaysia is known to pay money to enable meetings with US presidents, a Washington insider says in reference to the recent meeting…
Halimah Yacob will continue to live in Yishun flat
SINGAPORE – President-elect Halimah Yacob will not only become Singapore’s first woman president, but she will also be the first to live in a Housing Board flat during her term. Shortly after being declared the winner in a walkover, she told reporters that she had no plans to move out of her family home in Yishun…
Explain billion-dollar deals with US, Kok tells Najib
DAP vice-chairman asks if Malaysia is ‘cash-rich’ enough to spend billions on planes and infrastructure development in the US. PETALING JAYA: Seputeh MP Teresa Kok has questioned Prime Minister Najib Razak’s financial commitments to the United States, asking if they were made in exchange for greater investments in turn from the US.
Najib Is Urged to Explain to EPF Contributors On The Returns of Investing USD3-4 billion in Infrastructure Redevelopment in the United States
I am appalled with the proposal made by Prime Minister Najib Razak to President Donald Trump on investing three to four billion US dollars in the infrastructure redevelopment in the United States at the bilateral meeting in the White House yesterday.
纳吉欲用公积金局168亿令吉投资美国基建, 应向人民解释有关献议的回酬
Najib says Opposition using 1MDB to topple government
WASHINGTION, Sept 13 — The Opposition “noises” over the 1Malaysia Development Berhad (1MDB) issue was internationally blown out of proportion with the intention to topple the government, said Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak.
Halimah Yacob is Singapore’s first woman president
FORMER Speaker of Parliament Halimah Yacob will be Singapore’s first Malay president in more than 47 years after the Elections Department (ELD) announced that she was the only eligible candidate who won the inaugural reserved Presidential Election uncontested.
DAP ucap takziah atas kemangkatan Sultan Kedah
KUALA LUMPUR, 11 SEPT: DAP menzahirkan rasa dukacita di atas berita kemangkatan Sultan Kedah, Tuanku Abdul Halim Mu’adzam Shah. Ketua Parlimen DAP, Lim Kit Siang dalam kenyataan takziahnya, menyifatkan baginda sebagai raja yang berjiwa rakyat.