KUALA LUMPUR, Sept 21 — MCA’s Datuk Seri Ti Lian Ker suggested today that the controversial “Better Beer Festival 2017” had to be cancelled due to a security threat from Islamic State (IS) militants rather than political pressure from PAS.
Kit Siang puzzled why beer festival banned for security reasons
DAP veteran asks if this means safety and security in the nation are so tenuous that even a small and localised event such as the Better Beer Festival has to be cancelled. KUALA LUMPUR: Lim Kit Siang finds it strange that a small and localised event such as the Better Beer Festival can be banned…
Pesta Arak dan Hal Berkenaan Dalam Menentukan Hak Bukan Islam dalam Siyasah Syarieyah
Adalah amat jelas tanpa syak bahawa arak diharamkan ke atas umat Islam sama seperti pengharaman judi, merenung nasib, penyembahan berhala dengan dalil
马华总会长廖中莱U转表明尊重吉隆坡市政厅禁办啤酒节的决定,马上招致在野党的讥讽。 行动党吉隆坡士布爹国会议员郭素沁今午发文告形容,廖中莱的立场转变,犹如“今天的廖中莱打倒昨天的廖中莱”。
Sebarang bentuk tindakan memanipulasi isu Beer Festival untuk menjolok sensitiviti di kalangan rakyat bagi mencapai kepentingan tertentu samada oleh individu mahupun mana-mana parti politik adalah tidak wajar sama sekali dan perlu dihentikan segera
Sebagai seorang warganegara yang mendukung hak bersuara dan hak untuk berbeza pendapat, saya secara peribadi tidak menyokong penganjuran Better Beer Festival 2017 yang dijadualkan diadakan di sebuah kawasan hipster kelas menengah di Kuala Lumpur dengan promosi besar-besaran. Apatah lagi bagi saya seorang Muslim, gandingan istilah ‘pesta’ dan ‘arak’ memberi konotasi yang negatif.
‘Political sensitivities’ no reason to ban beer fest, says Penang CM
BANNING an event over “political sensitivities” can set a dangerous precedence, the Penang government said today, following the cancellation of the Better Beer Festival by the Kuala Lumpur City Hall (DBKL) yesterday.
Beer today, dogs tomorrow?
If we want others to respect our rights, then we should respect the rights of others, even if we disagree with them. By Thomas Fann At best, I would consider myself a social drinker – a very occasional glass of wine with a meal and, at most, a few pints of beer a year, never…
DAP, PKR, MCA condemn decision to disallow KL beer festival
DAP says city hall’s action is inconsiderate while MCA says the local authority cannot arbitrarily reject the application. PETALING JAYA: DAP, PKR and MCA have condemned the decision by Kuala Lumpur City Hall (DBKL) to disallow The Better Beer Festival 2017, scheduled for Oct 6-7.