Media Statement by Teresa Kok, DAP National Vice Chairperson and MP for Seputeh in Kuala Lumpur on Tuesday, April 12, 2016 Yesterday Tourism and Culture Minister Dato Nazri Aziz said that he supported Sarawak chief minister Tan Sri Adenan’s decision in banning DAP leaders and members from entering Sarawak. ( It is not a surprise…
‘Controversial’ Skohns Canteen draws Kit Siang and company for dinner
PETALING JAYA: The Skohns Canteen has done it again. After their first controversial poster of “Good Food, Below Market Price”, the operators have put up another poster, this time on feng shui. The second poster read: “30 per cent off, Good Food, Possibly Amazing Feng Shui”. Both these posters on the restaurant’s Facebook were obviously…
Superb dinner with DAP comrades and others at Skohns Canteen, PJ!
This evening I joined LKS, LGE, Tony Pua, Lim Lip Eng and others to have dinner at SKOHNS Canteen at The Place, Damansara Perdana, PJ. SKOHNS Canteen has shown its creative publicity by putting LGE’s photo on its FB poster advertisement with the wordings “Good Food” and “Below Market Price” on it. My DAP colleague…
I was misquoted on ‘bad feng shui’, says Kok
PETALING JAYA: Stung by criticism over her earlier remark that Lim Guan Eng had obtained his bungalow from businesswoman Phang Li Koon at below market price due to “bad feng shui”, DAP’s Teresa Kok has claimed that she was misquoted by the media on the issue. In claiming that she was misquoted during her speech…
I never said “Guan Eng bought the house cheap because of Feng Shui” in the Kongres Rakyat 2016
Today I attended the People’s Congress or Kongres Rakyat at the Shah Alam Convention Centre. I was one of the 19 speakers . The others included Tun Dr Mahathir, Tan Sri Muhyiddin, Dato’ Seri Mukhriz, Lim Kit Siang, Mat Sabu, Zaid Ibrahim, Dato Ambiga and others. The hall with a seating capacity of about 1,500…
Kongres Rakyat at Shah Alam Convention Centre
Today I attended the People’s Congress or Kongres Rakyat at the Shah Alam Convention Centre. I was one of the 19 speakers . The others included Tun Dr Mahathir, Tan Sri Muhyiddin, Dato’ Seri Mukhriz, Lim Kit Siang, Mat Sabu, Zaid Ibrahim, Dato Ambiga and others. The hall with a seating capacity of about 1,500…
Difference Between Lim Guan Eng’s House & Khir Toyo’s House
For those who don’t know how to differentiate the case between Lim Guan Eng’s house and Khir Toyo’s house, the chart tells you the difference.
Good Friday
Today is Good Friday, this is the day for the Christians to mourn for the death of Jesus Christ, and to do reflections and to repent from our sins and wrong doings. I will spend some time to pray for the nation which is in the mess now, and pray for the broken-hearted family members…