A police personnel investigating the disappearance of Pastor Raymond Koh had remarked that the latter’s abduction was similar to a police operation, the Human Rights Commission (Suhakam) public hearing was told today.
MACC hauls up Shafie Apdal
SHAFIE Apdal has been called in for questioning by the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) over the alleged embezzlement of RM1.5 billion of federal funds meant for Sabah, anti-graft and party sources said. The Party Warisan Sabah president, who is currently in Kuala Lumpur, is expected to arrive in Kota Kinabalu this afternoon before presenting…
Visitation to friends’ house during Deepavali Day
Today is Deepavali Day. This is one of my favourite public holiday as I can wear my Indian costume to visit my Hindu friends.
Plot to bomb beer festival real, 3 suspects held, says IGP
Fuzi Harun says the security threat was not invented by the police to frighten the organisers of the festival. KUALA LUMPUR: The arrest of three suspects who plotted to attack the beer festival planned here this month showed the security threat was real and not invented by the police, said Inspector-General of Police Mohamad Fuzi…
Teresa defends stand on workbook ban after parents object
DAP vice-president Teresa Kok found herself besieged by parents on her Facebook page after her purported criticism of the ban on primary school workbooks for Year 1 until Year 3.
Sultan revokes Zamihan’s permit, orders mosques to lower speech volume
The ruler also ordered all religious lectures in mosques and surau in the state to be recorded. PETALING JAYA: The Sultan of Selangor today revoked the religious teaching credentials of controversial preacher Zamihan Mat Zin, and ordered mosques and suraus in the state to heed two new measures to protect the image of Islam in…
就在行动党副主席郭素沁批评教育部的作业簿禁令,引来不少人围剿后,她澄清自己并未反对禁止低年级作业簿,而是认为禁令落实过于仓促,教育部副部长张盛闻应先与各方对话。 事源郭素沁前日(14日)在面子书发表文告,批评张盛闻在十月中旬才宣布明年起严禁低年级使用作业簿,但印刷商已接受订单,甚至印好作业簿,禁令仓促落实,对“印刷商、校方和家长”不公平。
(吉隆坡16日讯)行动党全国副主席郭素沁呼吁马华总会长廖中莱对首相署副部长阿斯拉夫日前发表国阵立志要把马来西亚成为回教国的言论表态,以证明马华在反对回教国的立场上是坚定的。 她说,过去数年来,马华总会长廖中莱频频诬指行动党支持伊斯兰党成立回教国,但是当国阵的副部长誓言国阵欲把马来西亚打造成回教国时,廖中莱和其他马华领袖却不敢吭声。