I am highly concerned to read the statement of Minister of Plantation Industries and Commodities (MPIC) Datuk Zuraida that she planned to consolidate three palm oil agencies, namely Malaysian Palm Oil Board (MPOB), Malaysian Palm Oil Council (MPOC) and the Malaysian Palm Oil Certification Council (MPOCC) under one roof. (https://www.thesundaily.my/local/zuraida-malaysia-seeks-new-markets-for-palm-oil-DH8867647) This is akin to taking…
As Saravanan and Hamzah Zainuddin Seem Unable To Work Together on the MOU on Maid Intake With Indonesia, PM Ismail Sabri is Urged to Takeover And Save Malaysia From The Embarrassment, As Well As Allow the Human Resources Ministry to Single-Handedly Handle Foreign Labour Matters
I read the news reports on the MOU on maid intake between Malaysia and Indonesia with great amusement. Both Human Resources Minister Savaranan and Home Minister Hamzah Zainuddin seem to be at great odds in reaching an agreement on this issue. Malaysia is now a laughing stock. Minister Saravanan made announcement that the Domestic…
Sambutan Tahun Baru Lunar di PPR Kawasan Parlimen Seputeh
Pada pagi Sabtu yang lepas, Pusat Khidmat Parlimen Seputeh telah mengadakan program sambutan Tahun Baru Lunar di 3 PPR di Bukit Jalil, iaitu PPR Pinggiran Bukit Jalil, PPR Kg Muhibbah dan PPR Raya Permai. Dalam ketiga-tiga program ini, kami hanya mengadakan tarian singa, pemberian biskut dan Ang Pao selepas ucapan ringkas daripada saya kerana kami…
Wee Ka Siong diseru Menyelesaikan Masalah Kekurangan Pekerja dan Kenaikan Harga Baja Yang dihadapi oleh Pekebun Kecil Sawit di Johor, dan Henti Memutar-belitkan Fakta Berkenaan Harga Sawit
Di dalam penulisan Presiden MCA, Wee Ka Siong dalam Facebook Bahasa Tionghua yang bertarikh 4 Februari 2022, beliau berkata kepada pekebun kecil sawit di Johor bahawa “hubungan yang kurang baik di antara Malaysia dengan China dan India dalam tempoh pentadbiran Kerajaan Pakatan Harapan telah menyebabkan harga sawit jatuh, dan pekebun kecil sawit rasa gembira keadaan…
拜读了马华总会长兼交通部长魏家祥于2月4日在其脸书上对棕油价格的评论,真佩服这内阁部长竟然会发表这种似是而非,把油棕小园主当傻瓜的言论。 魏家祥在其脸书上提起,他对柔佛州选民说,“在希盟执政时期,曾经一度与印度和中国政府关系交恶,而导致棕油价格低迷,小园主庆幸此景已‘一去不复返’”。 魏家祥身为内阁部长应该非常清楚棕油是原产品,其价格的起落是受多方国际因素影响,不在于我国是否开罪中国和印度。 棕油的价格,除了受国际的供应与需求影响之外,它也受世界气候、类似产油植物(例如:大豆油和橄榄油等)的产量、生产国和入口国的政策等因素的影响。 *印尼的棕油政策造成我国棕油价格飙升* ================================== 马来西亚棕油的价格在过去数年来连续攀升的主要原因,不是因为现任的后门政府没有得罪中国和印度,主要是因为印尼限制原棕油(CPO)出口,造成棕油在国际市场供不应求。 印尼致力生物柴油,并致力迈向落实B30生物柴油(即在柴油里注入30%棕油)。印尼也计划要在2024年落实推行B40,以使该国能在2025年达致使用23%再生能源的目标。 此外,印尼政府也规定国内棕油出产商必须把20%计划出口的棕油,以政府规定的低价卖给国内的食油提炼厂,以降低国内食用油的售价,继而降低印尼的物价,抑制通货膨胀。 印尼这种将限制原棕油出口,并将相当大部分的棕油用在国内,以落实该国减碳的绿色议程,即是造成我国棕油价格高涨的主要原因。 *马来西亚油棕园丘劳工严重短缺,令小园主利益受损* ==================================== 除了印尼的因素之外,马来西亚政府在过去两年多来禁止输入外劳,而本国人又不愿意在油棕园丘工作,导致我国棕油产量剧减,这也因此推高棕油价格。 其实油棕园丘劳工严重短缺的问题,加上肥料和杀虫剂等价格高涨,使许多小园主根本就享受不到棕油价格飙升的利益。 魏家祥这样愚弄柔佛小园主明显是为了柔佛州选造势,为国阵候选人争取支持。如果魏家祥真的有诚意要协助小园主,我挑战他做为内阁部长,在未来一个月内加速批准合法外劳来马,减缓种植业者劳力短缺的困境,同时争取政府津贴油棕肥料,减少小园主的负担,这才能真正协助小园主,带动经济成长。 郭素沁
Visitation to AOG Kota Kumuning
This afternoon I visited AOG church in Kota Kemuning which was destroyed by fire last night, together with exco of Selangor Ng Sze Han and Ganabatirau, and Rajiv (ADUN for Bukit Gasing). Shah Alam municipal council (MBSA) head of planning department & officers came for the site visit too. Thank God that no one was…
SUHAKAM is urged to conduct human rights awareness training to the police and other enforcement agencies to be at par with international human rights standards
I read the suggestion made by the Federal internal security and public order director Hazani Ghazali to whip undocumented migrants who have been caught repeatedly entering the country with great trepidation. I wonder whether his suggestion of whipping will also extend include the sly enforcement officers who have failed in their duties in preventing illegal…
“Tiger Ushers In Prosperity” — Teresa Kok 2022 CNY Clip. 郭素沁2022 新春贺岁片 ”虎进甘来”
2020 -2021 were not good years for fellow Malaysians. We have suffered from the Covid pandemic and from the massive floods in Sabah, Selangor, Pahang, Johor and the East Coast. Teresa Kok and a few DAP elected representatives such as Chong Chien Jen (MP for Setampin), Chan Fong Hin (MP for KK), Wong Kah Woh…