Seputeh DAP is on yet another fund-raising drive. It’s been terribly hard to make ends meet. We don’t have rich cronies nor do we get kickbacks to keep our service centre going. Out of desperation, we have decided to appeal to the public for financial assistance. The following is the content of a letter that…
Benedict XVI and Islam
For Pope Ratzinger, religions should be compared on the basis of the cultures and civilizations they generate. To avoid a clash of civilizations, Islam should distance itself from terrorist violence; the west from secularist and atheistic violence. This is the analysis of a renowned expert, who last September participated in a meeting on Islam behind…
Apakah Pencapaian Subjek Matematik Dan Sains, Murid-murid SJKC Di Bawah Formula 2-4-3?
PEMBERITAHU PERTANYAAN DEWAN RAKYAT, MALAYSIA PERTANYAAN : LISAN DARIPADA : Y.B PUAN TERESA KOK SUH SIM KAWASAN : SEPUTEH TARIKH : 21.09.2006 (KHAMIS) SOALAN: Y.B PUAN TERESA KOK SUH SIM [SEPUTEH] minta Menteri Pelajaran menyatakan apakah pencapaian subjek Matematik dan Sains, murid-murid SJKC di bawah formula 2-4-3. Apakah medium bahasa yang akan digunakan dalam peperiksaan…